a ChicKnits Dirty Little Secret Presentation
Has this ever happened to you? You have a couple of spare moments in an unlikely place – mine was the Student Center @DePaul University where they have networked computers in their coffe shop. My truck was parked outside with my camera waiting to do a live shot and I had, like, 10 minutes to get coffee, a banana ( nature’s perfect food, Dude! How about that biodegradeable wrapper?) and maybe a cookie which left just enough time to bid on an EBAY AUCTION!
And this was no unique eBay auction. It was an auction for a CONE OF YARN! They’re all over the yarn section like lawn mushrooms after a spring downpour only exceeded in quantity by the proliferation of EYELASH YARN vendors. And you better believe that the Eyelash Craze is just BEGINNING in the US. When I went round to the Walmart in Cadillac, MI last week in search of TLC Cotton Plus, I came up empty handed.
However, ahem, the lovely stock lady had not one, but TWO CARTS full of skeins of eyelash yarn and was busy placing them on the shelf. I asked about the lowly cotton and just got the BLANK STARE of disbelief: “what – you’re one of those weirdos that knits and you want COTTON!???!??!” kindof half turn of the head. She didn’t even answer me so great was her pleasure in fondling the soft acrylique delight of the eyelash FLUFF~
But I digress –
I placed a bid on that auction, then forgot all about it, then of course, WON IT!
And now that I’ve had a chance to play with it, I kind of LIKE IT!
It is worsted weight 100% Softball cotton in a nice non-baby light blue – I think it shall make a perfect LoTech for work. I’m going to whip it up on the Bond USM that I have.
The USM is good for making those Stockinette portions of a project – then you add the ribbing and detailing later. I used mine alot a couple of years ago and have set it up in a permanent space in the flat so now I don’t have to keep taking it down and we shall see what springs forth.
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In Other News…
RIP Audrey!
I have retired my Audrey sweater, I believe permanently. I worked on it several days on my vacation and don’t think I have the stamina to finish it!
The design is not going to be attractive on someone of my build. I knew this going in, but only this morning when I held it up to myself in the bathroom mirror did….
Oooh – you know the rest….