Sleeves, with love Tuesday June 22, 2010

It seems a little funny that this second day of summer, being bare-armed and barefoot, I’m busy knitting Sleeves. It’s been the kind of muggy hot we’ve come to (secretly) relish in the cold hard northern midwest.

Typical humid, downtown garage elevator conversation, two parties, standing on top of each other, shiny and slightly glazed-looking: “Hot enough for ya? I can’t hardly stand this.” “Oh. I Love it!” “Yah, me too — I feel all peachey!”

Now that the market show is fini, I can wrap myself in some personal knitting. My very own workbasket has three outstanding projects: a new for Fall (and new for me) cardi, a 2/3’s finished TWIST made from taupe Cotton Ease, and the one I’m being most productive with, my cotton blend Cerisara.

BTW, the name of this pattern has been a little cryptically amusing — just how IS it pronounced? It is simply, sarah sarah. And Chic Knits is sheek knits. That is all ;p

It’s been raining here alot — and I’ve been taking advantage of being a little housebound to catch up on some favorite movies (Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, the Dark Knight, American Psycho, C. Bale film fest, nuff said) and get going enjoying some AC with my lace.


In the wild…
While I’ve been knitting on my second Cerisara sweater, I’ve found I have lots of fantastic company!

Traveling hither and yon on the web, here’s some wonderful pieces from some very talented knitters…



Knit by Kathleen/katrog(Rav)
from Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool:
Color – Blue-Green


Cerisara #2, Knit by Kathleen/katrog(Rav)
from E. Lavold Eucool: Color – Khaki


Knit by Connie/yellowcosmo(Rav)
from Malabrigo Silky Merino:
Color – Velvet Grapes

Cerisara-W-100621-9291My little taupe version would’ve looked a lot like the lovely vest in the middle, if I hadn’t flipped the coin a few days ago and went with the sleeves. I still have some Plymouth JEANNEE in a toasty brown in ze stash to make one, soon to come. The sleeve knitting is going smoothly round-and-round on one long nickel needle. The sleeves are going to be about 3/4 length, am trying on as I go :)

For some reason, the knitting went much faster during the Dark Knight – maybe because I was a little weepy during Capt. Corelli – wow! What a three-hankie fest! Or maybe it was because it was so hard to imagine the lovely P. Cruz choosing N. Cage over C. Bale (not likely). Or maybe it was because every single character (of Italian, American, or British origin) was speaking with such Bad Accents I was actually looking for subtitles to get a verbal grip!

I think I better read the book. :)

Home = Fashion June 18, 2010

It’s kind of silly, but I’m eagerly awaiting more of the cluster thunderstorms that have been passing through Chicago. For some reason, they energize me!

OK. Truth be told, they make it quite justified to be sitting in the AC escaping the +90° predicted temps while watching Tyra reruns.


Knitting some Home Style.

I am in thrall to Log Cabin-ing.

Like many other areas in my life, I’m a late bloomer. I never ate salsa until I was in my twenties. Never had a real manicure until I broke my foot. (Another day, another story!) Or more recently, gave up my ever-lovin’ fascination with dolls (oops – those were Mannequins at the TNNA show . . .)

But I’m catching on fast as to why ze Log Cabin is such an addictive thing!

Once I hit the Sweet Spot with my yarn and needles, it’s been going like gang-busters.


Here’s the third incarnation of my bath mat. It originally started out as an Absorba, a lovely pattern in the book Mason-Dixon Knitting: The Curious Knitters’ Guide. But my yarn choice (Aunt Lydia’s: DENIM 1021 Linen) wasn’t chunky enough and I have gone down several needle sizes to make what is turning out to be a really pleasant “kissin-cousin”. It is not as thick as the original, but it is still cushy and wonderful — about a third thicker than a rag rug. I can’t wait to feel it under my feet aprés shower!

Absorba (Jr.)

Using #11 needles, CO 21 sts of tripled Aunt Lydia’s Denim coned cotton.

Work 12 garter ridges.

Following the directions on pg 68 of MD-Knitting, pick up stitches as given and work 6 garter ridges.

Lather, rinse, repeat to fabulousness!

My bathmat measures 10″ x 10.5″ so far (not quite done with one log) and will be a rectangle when it’s done.

For scale, and to just throw a TGIF into the ring, here’s a photo that shows how pretty the little thing is ;p


Happy Weekend!

Aprés TNNA June 16, 2010

Back in Chicago after a whirlwind of activity and fun in Columbus, where my right brain went on a roller coaster of love! But after a good night’s sleep, what’s bubbling to the surface of the left brain is lots of little details that I really should remember for next time…

TNNA-Hats-0083Top 10 MAYBE NOT List:

10. Order too few Line Sheets and find yourself at a Kinko’s instead of a cocktail party with cool peers.

9. Eat a huge Black & Tan Sundae (salty caramel ice cream, smoked almonds, hot fudge, caramel sauce, and hand-whipped cream) and call it “dinner”. Oh, tummy, no? YES!

8. Think that the complementary snackage at the hotel is your friend. Meatballs? Unlimited popcorn (on top of #9, ah, no).

7. Ramp up fiber conversations with complete strangers at breakfast bar because they are probably parents of UofOH grads instead of convention goers and you will scare them.

6. Adjunct to #7: Ramp up Fan Girl conversation with complete strangers (Fiber Celebrities) because you will scare them.

5. Lay down for a wee nappy and miss appointment with important person.

4. Forget that that thing in your bag is a CAMERA and you probably should take it out more than once in six days.

3. Forget that that extra bag you hauled all that way is full of projects and maybe you should give Knitting a try at least once in six days.

2. “Run” over to local (heh, 1+ mile away – there’s a N. High St & a S. High St) drug store in your flip flops to get supplies ending up with a super-size thong blister that rattles your stylings much longer than necessary.

1. Try to remember everyone’s name that you talked to without taking some CARDS!

TNNA-Flowers-0057Top 10 DO List:

10. Be sure to drink lots of water because intense convention center AC will suck you dry. Try to remember to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

9. Remember to thank your buddy Jherri Redding for inventing something called “Frizz Out Gel” that was the only thing that prevented you from being a squirrel head for six days running. Or maybe, sort of separated you from the beastie hair thing that happens when you go south of Latitude +41. (Remember, pictures add 10 lbs and Lie Lie Lie!)

8. Try and get some MiFi for your web needs because it was hit and miss and you went through massive withdrawal being separated from the internetz for so many hours at a time. (Please Convention Center: get (free/included) WiFi by 2011~!)

7. Continue to be amazed (and overwhelmed) by the cornucopia of fibers and styles filling the aisles with over 1,000 booths! Try not to boldly stare and squee so loud, because it is Not Ladylike.

6. Try not to pack so tightly you cannot find room for all the new “carry-ons” you’ll be adding to the mix. Remember: you have to carry that suitcase up two flights of stairs to your apt.

5. Bring nice trashy novel to read at 2am when party goers return to hotel rooms and shower, sing, and, well, never mind.

4. Get gigantic floral display to offset the fact you are tied to your booth as an exhibitor and you need to Refresh!

3. Big “hugz” for the awesome booth sitters who helped out during your “lady” breaks! I’m talkin’ about you Mercedes, Kristen, Jessica, Karen & Jasmine! (Whoa. Was I ever even in the booth?!)

2. Eat as much chocolate as you like, because according to JKRowling, it controls the Dementors.

1. Shout THANK YOU to one and all that came and visited me in Booth 151! I <3 U!

Leave your do’s & don’ts below!