Tuesday, January 25, 2005

just CableMe

Ah, history ignored is doomed to be repeated…

Last year, loosely around this time, (February 18th, 2004), I had a bout with Startitis. Now this was nothing like the flu I picked up a couple of weeks ago that had my innards strangled and made a keening wail pass my lips, but it was insidious all the same.

For the new knitters, (hi there, lil buddies !) STARTITIS is where you continually buy yarn and start a project, but never finish it. Piece(s) might accumulate all over your house, until you have a S*load of half-finished who-knows everywhere.

It appears that my Startitis is/might be tied to the WEATHER! After a weekend of 2 feet of snow and wounded ego (even after I shoveled out the 3 car garage that goes with me and my building mates condos, I couldn’t get my car, my JEEP, for chrisakes, out of the alley) I soothed my evil soul with a new – – – SLEEVE!~

This sleeve probably doesn’t win any startitis prizes, because it joins a finished Back. That Back has been lanquishing in the UFO Vault since last year, where it was discarded in favor of another Startitis Flame: the Fern sweater, and I believe, GIGI, which I actually finished.


I am already 2/3’s done with the sleeve and OH how I love this wool. It is from Montana Targhee Sheep and is organically processed.

From In Sheep’s Clothing pg 45: “the breed was a cross of Rambouillet rams and Corriedale x Lincoln/Rambouillet ewes (me – how’s that for animal husbandry!!!) — for high-quality apparel wool — extraordinary loft and elasticity — good shape retention and crease resistance.”

I am in love – it is so different from other wool (read Magpie Aran Tweed) that I’ve been using that it just caresses my hands as it passes through my fingers…


Friday, January 21, 2005

baby.jpgbaby talk

There’s a baby boom goin’ on over here in Chic World! Lots and lots of my friends and family are having babies. Usually, I’m too lame to get a knitted item together but when my friend L had her handsome boy a couple of weeks ago, I just had to go a little crazy.

“The Baby Owner’s Manual”: this tome is actually written by an MD, but in a very tongue-in-cheek way that is hilarious. AND, it has really rockin’ fine graphic design throughout. The new Mommy is a creative and will dig that, along with the fun hints… I hope. :)

Scrappy DOO: in the middle right corner of the picture above you see a little 6″ stuffed toy. He is a knitted Scrappy Doo, the nephew of my fave, Scooby Doo. I have some washable wool (the only one I really like, Filatura 501) to make a pal for the new baby boy! I hope I can unhook my selfish heart for the few minutes it will take to wrap it and actually manage to give it away when it’s finished. I LOVE THIS TOY! The UK pattern is from the time of the first incarnation of the SDoo cartoons and is out-of-print. I found it on eBay a couple of years ago.

I’ve seen lots of knitted toy success online (remember the ZooAlong?) and darnit, I hope I make those tiny legs right!