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Thursday, November 3, 2005

Affy Tapple Tipsy

It's a topsy-turvy kind of week! A stand-on-your-head and whistle kind of day! When you find yourself eating leftover mini-Baby Ruths and an Affy Tapple and call it Breakfast, you know Daylight Savings has KICKED IN and perhaps is kicking your a**...

I'm thinking this is why I'm having a PROBLEM sticking to anything but the smallest of projects the last few days (although I did finish the second sleeve of Sheila...)

Not only am I not knitting MUCH, I'm de-constructing LOTS!

On Monday, I frogged the greeny hemp/wool ginourmous Sock and skeined and washed it.


Still destined to be a pair of lovely Ribbed Socks at some point since I found the original pattern I used for my other favorite, the yarn is now delighting me as just a centerpiece on my kitchen counter. Thanks Lorri for bringing me those delicious healthy Michigan apples - but my clock is all turvy and I must have MORE CHOCOLATE!

Looking for that pattern was successful but not SO for one of the other sox in my Soxsie Banshee Socktoberfest BINGE! I've LOST MORE YARN - and cannot complete the second quasi-Monkey Sock that was in the mix. SHEESH - maybe I'll find that yarn next October.

SO, I appeased the balance of the Universe by finding and frogging something ELSE! At some point, at another bend in the Knitting Time Continuum, everyone out there was Madly Knitting Multidirectional Scarves. I'd bet my bottom dollar right now there are a bunch on the needle across America right now because by gum, not only is it Daylight Savings Week, it's Time to Start Knitting Those Christmas Presents...

My own MultiD scarf was a total failure - I blithely dug it out of a shelf yesterday and went EUREKA - something I can finish quickly but it was not meant to be. QUE? It was thick and thin - I obviously was not grasping the fact that you were supposed to have an equal number of stitches on the triangles and some were skinnier than others and NOT IN A GOOD WAY...


So here it is - frogged and fabulous - waiting to become a correctly done MultiD? OR should it start down a new road, one paved out West on October 27th and become the scarf GRINDA?

Excuse me, I have to go eat a couple of mini-boxes of Junior Mints to decide...

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