Part II |
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
it ain't easy being green...
But b.Limey! IT's MARCH already and it's the perfect month for Verdigris, Envy, and GO! "Green is favored by well balanced people. Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force. It often symbolizes money. It was believed green was healing for the eyes. Egyptians wore green eyeliner. Green eyeshades are still used. You should eat raw green foods for good health. Friday is the day of green. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia." ...from the Make it SO website
And it's going to be my glorious goal this month to romp around in as much green as I can get my hands on... Being a Lime Freak, this won't be too difficult but just to get off to a lucky start, I unwound a couple of languishing green articles that were moldering in the Stash Palace. No Longer Backstage:
FERN - a lovely design using Filaturea di Crosa ZARA color 1660. This one just couldn't get me going! I love the pattern but the yarn was wrong for me - not drapey enough - and I was afraid I didn't have enough to finish the whole thing...
NONAME - a miscreant machine project that made it to the SLEEVES DONE~! level but failed to excite to the finish. OFF WITH ITs THread! - a lovely merino/microfiber blend called Rubino from Austermann color #21.
What really got me going on this little b.Lime Romp? Watching the Oscars, during the first song sung in French by ChicKnits House Diva BEYONCE, I was slapped upside the head by her YELLOW GREEN EYESHADOW that Jumped Off the Screen and right into my Living Room! The Chartreuse on this Chantuese was the key that unlocked my green block and WOOT! There it is... Overheard at Silvia's via Television Without Pity : "6:03 PM PT - Damn, Beyonce, leave some eye shadow for the rest of us..."
BTW - it snowed over two inches last night, and I believe, CABIN FEVER Reigns SUPREME!
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Friday, March 4, 2005
While I'm wading through the pile of almost FOs, I'm tempting myself with some inspiring goodies. In the mail comes:
- the new Spring 2005 Rowan
- a bag of All Seasons Cotton in...
We need some serious Warmth in these here parts and even though the sky is blue today, my brain is still a little frozen. Lookin' at some TROPICAL color just wakes it back up.
To keep the b.Limey Journey going strong (since I can't buy yarn EVERYDAY can I can I canI???) I've sifted through some of my photographs and have put them in a color Journal of their own. It isn't much, but it is a simple Hue study of Number 4 Yellow-Green on the Color Wheel, using images I can relate to because I took them. Going back and looking at them in a series is a fun way to try and understand that strong mental realtionship I have with this hue. It has *It* for me - I am drawn to this color over and over again.
Since it is never seen in isolation but as a part of a whole, I can think about what makes it such a powerful creative SPARK in my brain...
Gallery b.Limey, if you please...
Comments (13)
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Let Spring Fever BEGIN!!!
As hard to believe as one being able to Buy Yarn in Prison, I've gone ahead and started another Project! And, my chilly little body is all over THIS color. Started, in celebration of the weather to come AND the return of Herself to the Compound (although sporting an ankle bracelet), is a little cardi called *Martha* from the new Rowan (Number 37).
It is a very architectural all over eyelet check pattern that works rather quickly. I am using the re-cycled Filatura di Crosa *Zara* wool from the extinct Fern.
Here's another springy tightly spun merino - sooo soft and buttery. (Lightbulb, I think I'm in the midst of a barn yarn rebellion!)
This stuff will wear well right next to the skin or over a little Tee or Cami. Yum... I don't know why, but here's another color (and texture) that seems to defy digital photography! Do you see the angle bias of the pattern? It's not *really* there - it's actually a vertical ladder-type pattern - check out a better picture here.
I've been experimenting with white balances and color temperatures and it's as close as I can get with Daylight. Flash washes it completely out. Maybe it's time to try artificial light - arrgggh! I love shooting daylight - even though I use commercial light setups all the live long day on my job - there is nothing, IMHO, for color reproduction and subtlety like an indirect natural source. Maybe I should move to a house with much bigger windows... :p
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Sublime b.Lime the color study continues ***************************************
Ferragamo Store Michigan Ave Chicago
Apparently, while I've been happily waving my pompom over at the MPC (Martha Poncho Circus), the Fashion Gods have gone and DONE IT!
Everywhere you look, in many a Springtime window, it's there...
Splashes and dashes. Head and Feet. Hands and Arms. Over the shoulder and bolder and bolder
it's LIME!
And, ahem, I have to agree. In what appears to be the perfect union of function and color, we see the lovely freshness that is LIME all over the place... (virtual) Window Shopping ******************** Cashmere
...visit Gallery b.Limey here
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
green with (Spring) ENVY...
I long for the day I can throw the windows OPEN - the days when a moist breeze kisses the cheek and freshens the heart. I long to breathe in the glee of the new wind and rush to air the house; let it roll over all those dirty corners and then CLEAN it til it shines!
NOT! Knitting, my friends is better than HOUSEWORK! Knitting will bust the Cabin Fever we all seem to be SUFFERING from. WHY else would I get this email last night (spelling, etc as written): Subject: Martha S. poncho
Textfield: Make me Marthas poncho? Anyone out In this World that would knit me the PONCHO
Any Takers? ANYBODY!? ( I must politely DECLINE!)
This poor woman is BURNING UP! Please, step away from the computer and GO OUTSIDE and roll in the snow!
I see little crocus pushing their way out of the ground, in the midst of the snow. There was one 68 degree day last week, and they, like all God's creatures, myself included, were FOOLED into thinking it was safe to come outside and play. It's NOT!!! It is 22 degrees right now! I just set out my long underwear for the 166th day. THIS is why I am enjoying the Green Thing. I am compensating for the lack thereof in the Great Outdoors.
In an act of totally unselfish self-preservation, I fired up the knitting machine this weekend and (now that I'm DONE with a couple of projects) started a simple deep-ribbed cardigan. I have all the *straight* knitting done and am now adding the ribbing piece by piece.
I love this color - the freshest Grass Green - a yarn by Austermann called "Rubino". It is an Italian merino/microfiber blend that is very Palace as opposed to Barn...
Just smooth, soft well-defined stitches - and a color to roll around in until Those Better Days arrive...
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
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Friday, March 18, 2005
the Winner...
With a resounding margin, the Uber Marl button wins the b.Lime OFf! What is really funny, is I actually bought these buttons especially for this cardi at the same store I got the buttons for the Spencer Jacket. (If you are visiting the Rush St./Oak St. area, do not miss Tender Buttons! No affiliation, yadda yadda ydda). They are actually quite green, but subtle.
BUT, my confidence floundered, for no particular reason, happens alot in late winter, and I had to throw the gauntlet down on a couple of other button looks just to be sure. Thanks for helping!!!
I wouldn't go as far as to admit to being a Collector, but I am an afficianado :) Over the years, I've amassed a pile or so, and can't wait for better weather (what a tired-ass song this is becoming - my apologies) so I can go Flea Marketing in the outer counties for: BUTTONS! Kane County: first weekend of the month, year-round
Lake Co: Every Second Weekend Each Month
DuPage Co: 3rd Sunday of the Month
Sandwich, IL: an antique market
Actually, I just like strolling around - but one SHOULD have an agenda, non? You could collect buttons your entire life and never even fill a drawer!
Aye, I hear the piper callin' me to DuPage to wander about maybe Sunday... More adventures in Buttons HERE
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April 13, 2005
I am what I am.
I am not a poison fig.
Behold olive fair.
Garnish and enjoy!
Comments (6)
April 14, 2005
Garnished AT Last...
VOILA! What a difference some buttons make, as in, FINI!
This little fusion cardi is finally ripe to meet the day! Why I stalled over some button sewing is beyond my IQ this week but it happened nonetheless. (I stole the original Green Marl buttons for the Cotton Ribby - button guilt?)
b.Limey indeed...
Smile a mighty grin. Feet up high lift knees to chin. Music is no sin. DANCE, the Muse, BEGIN!
Daily Rib
Design: Bonne Marie Burns
Yarn: Austermann *Rubino*
Color: Grass Green
Gauge: 20sts/28rows over 4"
Needles: #6 & #7
Type: Fusion
...read the b.Limey Notes HERE
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