There’s so much cookin’ in the Chez Chic Kitchen, something’s about to explode! The hut is so littered with projects papers boxes and more that I want to run away and sit on the porch, just rockin’ and knittin’.
But my go-to Soother is mocking me.
The dreaded Second Sleeve Syndrome is in full fledged glory over here and the more I knit on this the shorter the 2nd sleeve seems.
Now that’s really just an optical illusion because rows is rows, rounds is rounds. And these, are they the longest in the history of man, or is it tricksie? THIS is after all, the widest part of the sleeve, at the underarm, and even though it seems like I’m not making much progress at all, I AM. I wanted to stay up all last night knitting and knitting after I reached this point of understanding that it was getting skinnier and skinnier with less and less effort.
The yarn felt so soft and cottony and soothing it was like a little babie’s blankie and before I knew it, I was chin down, bubble-lipped sleeping in my chair! Now I know some kinds of cats drool when they’re happy so mission accomplished (I think).
Who’s laughing now, Sleeve #2?
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