Monday Morning Mirth November 14, 2011

Monday Morning Mirth

I was browsing the cloud the other day and found this photo of Sophia Loren & Gregory Peck from 1966 (Dem Fotograf Tazio Secchiaroli / Germany /)

What first caught my eye was those Sunglasses, but then.

The Dress…

5 Replies to “Monday Morning Mirth November 14, 2011”

  1. Very “ChicKnits”! I love how the exploded herringbone pattern in her dress echoes the herringbone stripe in GP’s suit. Oh, art direction ain’t what it used to be! (sigh)

  2. What a coincidence! This is from Arabesque, which hubby & I just watched last night. The print of Sophia Loren’s suit looked fuchsia/magenta and either navy or black on our TV screen. She has a lot of fabulous costumes in the movie. And the entire movie is filled with reflection shots.

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