Friday, July 9, 2004

New Threads Friday


the MondoRib hits the Runway..

Just in time for the Old Town Folk & Roots Festival, I’ve got a fresh topper for the hot, hot acts!

Check out Saturday’s fun:
“Headlining Saturday’s main stage is a roster of renowned international artists, including the very funky, Latin dance band from Venzuela, Los Amigos Invisibles, with additional performances by one of the greatest West African ensembles of all-time, Bembeya Jazz from Guinea, and from Paris, the Gypsy Jazz and Yiddish music of Les Yeux Noirs.”

my dancecard..

3:15 PM Chicago Afrobeat Project
with Breakdancers from Chicago’s Brickheadz & the L.A. Breakers (first ya break dance)

4:45 PM Les Yeux Noirs (then you BellyDance and I kid you not, this is wild A** stuff)


#1 with a Bullet, drumroll, the Squared-off Scoop Neckline lands on the bodice of this freshi shell. After looking at all the sketches over several days, I knew a squared-off scoop neckline would RULE!

What is different about the sketches vs. reality? Actual drape and weight of the fabric can’t be represented – these two things coupled with a untraditional yarn, will definitely throw a monkey in your wrench.

After I finished the front, I did a three-needle bind-off on the shoulders. Since I wanted to minimize bulk anywhere in this garment, that seemed a solid solution – stable but not presenting a thick seam.

This is very interesting yarn:


Imagine, if you will a VERY SOFT shoelace;
that’s Katia SPRAY.

I didn’t trust it at all – after the first Frog Session, I was at the stage of biting my lip and bandaging my wallet, not ready, though to suck it up as total loss.

And, as almost always, fixing my mistakes/poor planning resulted in a really fun wearable piece. It is comfortable on; it angles in from the hem to the armhole, so there is no pesky clinging in HOT weather. Nuthin’ worse than the ziplock bag effect in 90degree heat..

The scoop is an upside-down, mirror-image of the shape of the body of the shell – which is why it is just naturally pleasing to the eye. Me like..

– You like some blooper???

– read the Complete: Spray (all notes about the creation of this garment)

13 Replies to “Friday, July 9, 2004”

  1. That looks gorgeous, I’m sure you’ll have a great day at the Festival tomorrow – sounds like an interesting line up. I love watching breakdancing!

  2. Sounds like a great festival. You’ll have a blast. Your top is great! Wonderful neckline! Another fine pattern.

  3. It’s great — and looks fabulous on you! You are right about the ‘square scoop’ neckline. I am using Katia ‘Florida’ for the IK Tank Girls turtleneck tank (for my DD) and it’s great to work with — another soft shoe(lace).

  4. NICE!! Gosh, I can’t believe I voted against the square neck! :-) Seriously, it looks better in the flesh, a tiny bit softer than in the Photoshop pic. Have a FAB w/e!

  5. Bee-you-tee-ful! I am extra-motivated to KIP next week so hopefully I can see the MondoRib up close. Are you planning to offer the pattern for this one on the website? I want, I want!

  6. you mention it angles from the hem to the armhole so it doesn’t cling in hot weather. Please! Please! publish this pattern or the one for the tutti fruiti shell in your gallery that seems to posess the same non-clingy properties. i can’t seem to find a shell pattern that swings rather than clings — help me……

  7. i forgot to mention how clever your photography is. kudos to you for you abundant style and enthusiasm bonne marie!

  8. Love it — it’s purrfect on you.
    and it’ll be FABulous for les yeux noir — gawd, I love ’em. Have a blast.

  9. Love it! The way the ribbon is dyed is something I’ve never seen before. Looks wonderful knitted up, and the square neckline was the perfect choice. You look fabulous in it. You work that shell!

  10. I would love to get the pattern. are you going to post/sell it? i’ve made several shells/camisoles this summer from Colinette Giotto (thanks to good buys on ebay) and I think it might be a great substitute for the Katia SPRAY.

  11. What a great top! I love the design. I used this yarn for a poncho for my daughter, and we love the way it looks. The heavy nature of the yarn actually worked in our favor, as we wanted some “pull” to open up the stitches. Very interesting stuff!

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