Monday Morning Mirth January 2, 2012

Monday Morning Mirth

Now that we’re officially heading down the 2012 highway (and by golly, my fingers didn’t even STUMBLE typing those numbers I’m so ready for a new year) it’s time to take a discreet mocking look at our high culture.

I (and Time mag) give you…

The Buzziest Buzzwords of 2011

10.  Leading from Behind (makes me go eeewwww)
9.    Hackivist
8.    “Man” as a prefix (man-age, mankini, man-bag, man-ty-hose)
7.    Arab Spring
6.    Cone of Uncertainty (my personal favorite)
5.    Super PAC (and no, they certainly are not super heros!)
4.    Carmageddon
3.    Planking (leave a comment below if you did this: POIDH)
2.    Winning! (duh!)
1.    Occupy

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