Monday Morning Mirth
Now that we’re officially heading down the 2012 highway (and by golly, my fingers didn’t even STUMBLE typing those numbers I’m so ready for a new year) it’s time to take a discreet mocking look at our high culture.
I (and Time mag) give you…
The Buzziest Buzzwords of 2011
10. Leading from Behind (makes me go eeewwww)
9. Hackivist
8. “Man” as a prefix (man-age, mankini, man-bag, man-ty-hose)
7. Arab Spring
6. Cone of Uncertainty (my personal favorite)
5. Super PAC (and no, they certainly are not super heros!)
4. Carmageddon
3. Planking (leave a comment below if you did this: POIDH)
2. Winning! (duh!)
1. Occupy
Put them down and slowly walk away, Bonne;-P
everybody: RUN!
I think I have a few cones of uncertainty in my stash.
Wow – I’m not really sure what to make of the fact that those are the top ten!!