January 25, 2012

…Today we have: a bookie wookie Blog Tour-ie!…

If you, like many in the knitting world, have a fine appreciation of all things *positively, smashingly UK* (Downton mania, anyone?), you might have tried a British knit or two…

I’ve been stitching anglophile-ish for ages now and it was on a blustery Friday evening in March 2006 that I met one of the best: Jean Moss, a designer renowned for working for fashion houses such as Ralph Lauren, Laura Ashley, Benetton, and in the hand-knitting realm, Rowan, etc…

She shared her design timeline with us in a most lively slideshow at the Windy City Knitting Guild that lifted me and made me want to not only run home and cast on, but draw and explore and immerse myself deep into the weft.

And it’s in her new book, Sweet Shawlettes, that you can see that she is still in love with the sticks; still giving page to styles that are joyful and spontaneous, just like she…

Here you’ll find:

the Traditional:

the Whimsical:

And my favorite, Glorious Plaid:

Within the book are 25 patterns, presented in a most appealing page layout: clear, legible, with lovely graphics and photography throughout.

All in all, an enjoyable tickle of a collection that combines wit with sophistication in a lovely “wrap” of a book…

Cheers, Jean!

to spread the cheer and get a copy of this fine book, leave a comment about what you like about small projects below by 8am CST on January 31, 2012, and we’ll draw random and announce post deadline

And, btw, F. Habit/he of the Panopticon is next on the tour — tell him I said HELLO!!!

78 Replies to “January 25, 2012”

  1. Small projects save my back/arm/purse. I always bring a project with me on the bus everyday and oftentimes this means lugging around a full sweater or in desprate times a blanket. That was quite a week before christmas two years ago when the blanket just had to get done. Small projects mean I have less to carry and definitly make the person sitting next to me happier too.

  2. I’ve been following the blog tour for this book and I am lusting after a copy for myself. Hopefully one will be awarded to me.

  3. Small projects are fun because they get done! It doesn’t take me months; a couple of weeks or even a couple of days will do. Sweaters, on the other hand, take me a couple of months to complete, especially if there is seaming.

  4. Oh, oh, oh that plaid! I’m in love. I find that I have developed a pattern in my knitting life. Without thinking I find myself starting a small project as soon as I’ve finished with a sweater. I think, as much as I love seeing a sweater grow and develop on the needles, when it’s done I need a quick knit with a fast finish. I also love doing a few small things each month that go into the ‘gift box’…often with no intended recipient, just waiting for an occasion to be given.

  5. I love how a small project is an opportunity to experiment. A full sweater is an investment in time and yarn. Why not use a crazy color for a shawl? If you only wear it once you’re not out much and you might discover a new color palette.

  6. I love the sense of accomplishment that finishing a project gives me, so it’s nice to intersperse small ones with larger so it doesn’t take me forever between finish times. I also love the ability to experiment with new techniques, and it’s easier to do that in small items.

  7. Instant Gratification…well, as close to instant gratification as you can get in hand knitting! Also good commuter knitting on the#56.

  8. Small projects are so nice because they can give you a quick sense of accomplishment. While I LOVE knitting sweaters, they are often such a time commitment.

  9. They are portable, quick, make great gifts, offer a great opportunity to try a new technique without being overwhelmed (like colorwork, lace, or cables), and use those little bits of yarn leftover from other projects or that one skein you had to have but had no idea what you were going to do with it.

  10. repost: Small is beautiful. Intricate designs such as these are eyecatching, and they can also be done in bright colours for extra pop! They’re also quicker projects to finish.

  11. Small projects are a great ego booster for me and gives me a sense of accomplishment!! I luv the classic shawlette!! I want to win this book.

  12. I love the quickness of small projects. It keeps me interested; I don’t get bored before the project is completed. I do like the larger projects, though. It gives me a goal for the winter. :-)

  13. I carry a hat in progress around with me. I always have a large scarf and hat for a homeless person on a cold day in my car…..I can’t help them financially but a warm head and neck means so much and it really doesn’t take that much time to make. We have started Austin scarf Project a couple of years ago and have given out over 400 scarves,hats and booties. Austin doesn’t get that cold but living outside 24/7 isn’t for fun.

  14. OH, small projects have become my favorite!! I’ve had to change my lifestyle from SAHM to someone who travels for business…oy….and a small project keeps me comforted and sane!

  15. I became enchanted with socks for my small and portable projects, then my daughters discovered scarves and have kept me busy. Next came some chemo hats for friends and their families. I would love to start on shawls next.

  16. I love that there are so many different projects in this book. I love small projects since I seem to be on the go always!

  17. I enjoy small projects and the projects in this book look beautiful. I am working on a bigger project now – It’s your beautiful design – Vonica. Thanks

  18. Always want to have knitting with me, and small projects (usually a sock) are always in my bag. You never know when you may locked in, locked down or in grid-lock. (I live in the Metro-Washington DC area.)

  19. If it weren’t for small projects, I would not knit nearly as much as I do, since much of my knitting is on the go: while waiting to pick up teenagers, at breaks at work, even while in line. I rarely am sitting at home knitting at this point in my life, sadly (why my sweater output in nil at the moment). Thus my knitting is either small projects like socks or accessories, or shawls, which pack small. Small projects are the THING!

  20. Small project are good for small trips and when I need something FAST for a gift. Time management isn’t always my strong suit!

  21. I travel a lot for my job and small projects keep me sane and “on the road”, stacking up as gifts for those I love. I’m also a complete failure at sweater knitting. :P
    Happy Knitting to all!

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