Monday Morning Mirth
Wonder if our Friends
@the Dem Convention in Boston know this?
From the Nat’l Enquirer: “Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, the hero of 9-11, is being secretly courted to become President George W. Bush’s running mate in the November election, The ENQUIRER has learned.
Sources say Republican Party officials want Giuliani, who showed so much leadership and courage during the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, to replace current VP Dick Cheney on the ticket.
They are convinced Rudy is the secret weapon that could defeat Democratic hopefuls John Kerry and John Edwards.”
Oh Bonnie Marie…Mondo Cable turned out wonderfully. I love it!
Bonnie I just watched a silly political ‘short’ that I think you’d like.
You are looking tres chic in Mondo Cable. How did I *not know* that you made it in ORANGE!?!?
Bahhaaa haaa haa! What a joke! Those Enquirer people…
Great Mondo Shell!!
BEAUTIFUL Mondo Cable Shell!!
Oh, your Mondo Cable in orange makes me think of creamsicles and mangos and summer. It’s lovely and looks so light and comfy.
Wow, I will echo the oohs and aahs! The Mondo Cable looks fabulous!
And that is hilarious…That Nat’l Enquirer sure has its finger on the pulse of politics. Wouldn’t it be funny if it were TRUE?
You are sooo bad. Here I was all content with my summer knitting going nicely (what summer?) and now you threw Mondo in my way! I am distracted, I am lusting after it’s juiciness, I want it. The Rib Tank was bad enough, but this is just irresistible. Though I am still trying.
Love the Mondo Cable, love the Ribby Shell :)
Can’t wait for summertime here!
I hope the enquirer isn’t right. We could all be in big trouble. And I have to ask: Do you really think that Giuliani did anything that any other politician wouldn’t have done?