Wednesday, July 28, 2004

a ChicKnits Dirty Little Secret Presentation

In order to keep my 3attaTIME WIP Rule in effect, sometimes started objects have to hit the sidelines. It’s usually a fluke of the weather that gets them there – they’ve become too hot to handle or too difficult to manage.

Dirty Little Secret: just too darn boring…

Just so they won’t feel too impossibly rejected, I’ve gotten something to hold them, lovingly, in plain sight in my living room. This pretty leather chest was purchased to be a footstool but it had a greater purpose in store.

You’d be surprised how many UFOs I can stuff in there and it is only about 12″ high x 18″ long!

Saturday, I begin a great ROAD TRIP adventure. My family and I are going to Camp LeJeune, North Carolina to stay with my nephew for a week. He is in the Marines and stationed there before he ships BACK out to the place that will not be named here. We’ve rented a lodge on Onslow Beach and will be enjoying Nature – the Ocean – each other – for about a week.

Gawd! I hope my mother and I don’t really get on each other’s last nerve during two days straight of driving!

About two days ago, I heard distinct rumblings coming from the Chest of Dreams. “Take me!” was a muffled plea I heard. “NO – Take MEEEEE – I’ll be more fun” wafted into the air…

So I’ve made this pile and am just plain stymied about which little Buddy(s) get to enjoy the Tennessee and other road sites in store:

click on garments to see details…

HELP!!!! Me Pick a Roadside Friend?!!! Any and all weather suggestions also greatly appreciated…

What’s it like at night on the Ocean? Will I be able to wear my Lacy Poncho???

36 Replies to “Wednesday, July 28, 2004”

  1. The blue one would surely keep your lap warm on those cool ocean evenings! I’d also bring a small one for the plane. :)

  2. I’m sorry that I don’t know them all by name… I love the green, ribby number (I think it’s green, the pop-up looked very LIME); the Onde would be fun; brown with eyelets? Are they all nearing completion? How about a ChicKnits Finish Fest Tour?

  3. Hmmmm…

    A finish fest tour! I’m liking that idea. I think other bloggers have done this successfully?

    That would be either Onde or The Big Blue. The others are just one piece partials.

  4. Hmm . . . The Onde might be good because you could finish and then wear it ~ but selfishly I’m really interested in the Cable Me! I know you love the green, but Fern is awfully close to Trellis so maybe leave that in the box. Coast will be perfect for poncho! Is is almost done?

  5. Agnes or The Big Blue. Either one would be nice tohave finished by early fall! And yes you will be able to wear your Lacy Poncho at night. Have a great time.

  6. Oh the decisions! How does one choose? From this viewpoint I have to say I really like the way the Cable Me sweater. I have no idea of the weather in NC but if it is as wacky as our weather this year (in Boston) take a little bit of everything just in case.

    It’s wonderful that you are going to visit your nephew before he ships out. My baby brother is also stationed out of LeJeune and is currently overseas in Afghanistan. I actually don’t pray, but I’ll add your nephew to the list of people I am “praying” for…


  7. Beautiful North Carolina is in a weather snit…I do so hope it will pass before you get here. I have already gone outside and made my request….Puhleeeeeze? The famous Bonne Marie is coming down, don’t embarass us, oKAY?
    I got rained on. piffle. The lacey poncho will be perfect for strolling on the beach. My vote (as it always is) goes to Anything with LIME. Here’s hoping that Nephew and all of his buddies will have a regime change in November and Mommies and Aunties everywhere will sleep better.

  8. What you need is for your mum to visit and say every ten minutes…if you finish that (insert jersey colour) jersey i’ll sew it up for you….

    Works for me…all time high score 5 projects in one visit! She also frogs for me!

  9. i admire how kind you are to your UFOs. last night, i reorganized my stash in advance of a move, and mine are stuffed unlovingly in free tote bags at the bottom of my closet. the shame ….

  10. Onde has a real “summertime by the seaside” look to it, so that might be a good first choice. Agnes might be a good one, also.

  11. Onde! I love that sweater & wish I could make it for my own self…(I have more to learn about re-sizing patterns).

    Small projects? Always socks…but I’m thinking nice cashmere fingerless gloves (looking ahead to winter…I know that’s perverse, but from Seattle! When it gets over 85 we pine for winter; in the dead of dark winter we yearn for the warmth of the sun.)

    Have we seen the lacy poncho yet? I don’t think so.

    Have fun, and don’t let Mom get to you on the long road.

  12. Cable Me! Hmmm…too bad you weren’t going to Cable Beach. Cable me would have been a natural!

  13. I’m in the “take them all” camp. Some of them are *so close* to done, it’s a shame to make them wait.

    Or, if you must pick and choose, maybe take the ones closest to done, so you can meet the letter of your 3attaTIME WIP rule, and not just the spirit? Plain stockinette won’t be so opressive when you’re happily chatting with the family and so forth.

  14. agnes! i can’t wait to see her done. hmmm, a special place for “extra” wip’s? i usually hide them at the bottom of my closet…lest i see them and the guilt starts to set in.

  15. Onde just looks like the ocean, but Agnes is so darned stylish. But Onde would love a stroll on the beach…Onde? Agnes? ONDE!

  16. Onde is an anagram of “done”, so I think that’s the one you should bring with you. Is that enough of a word-geek reason for you? (^_^)

  17. The Onde! — finish it and wear it for as long as you can before that look goes out of style. Have a great trip.

  18. Gawd no, you can’t wear your poncho. Remember this one word: Humidity
    and these three words: Lots of humidity

    That area of NC is just beautiful yoou will love it.

  19. I’m probably in the minority here but I love the green – pick Fern! Otherwise my second choice would be Onde.

  20. Onde! I had a dream about that yarn tonight, must be a sign. I really love the colours, too bad I can’t get the yarn here in Norway

    And if you need another one, take the Cable me, coz I’m real curious to se how that turns out.

  21. Don’t think you can wear your poncho – you’re heading to a very HUMID southern beach in August – can’t get any stickier!! Of course, this is one of my favorite places, also. You learn to live with (or love) the humidity!! I love the other suggestions of taking what’s almost done and having a finishing fest. Have a great trip and thanks to your nephew and his brothers in uniform – we wouldn’t be here wthout them!

  22. At the ocean at night…. it really depends on exactly how close you are to the water, and what the great weather gods decide to do. I live right at the oceanfront in New York, and we ALWAYS have extra sweatshirts/jackets for guests. It may be 95 degrees in the city, but on my deck, it is 75 with a cool breeze. A couple of houses in, however, get no breeze… which is why proximity to the water really factors in.

    If you expect a breeze, bring something to cover your skin – not anything heavy, just to cover up (ys, sexy, light summer poncho would do well).

    Have a wonerful time bonding, and here’s to my hope that your nephew returns home (healthy and sound) soon.

  23. PS – the NY area is swimming in humidity this week, so much that everything outside feels damp… but this just adds to the need for something light to cover your body at night…

    It sounds silly, but everyone is always caught unprepared — bring the poncho. If you’re by the water, you’ll need it.

  24. I am in the Mts of WNC, and a poncho is not out of the question in the evenings here…but then again I am in the Mts. Have a gret trip!Swing by the SnB at Beanstreets if you find yourself in Asheville on Sunday Morning.

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