Monday Morning Mirth February 25, 2013

Monday Morning Mirth

Chic Knits Knitting Patterns

Ahh, the morning after the Oscars! Now that I’m on the West Coast, I can almost bask in the glow of the after-party burn…

This year, what struck me the most (since I moved to Oregon and it airs here like around 5 pm and guess who missed the Red Carpet) was

The Couples…

Presenting, my favorites, 2013 style, clockwise (oops almost wrote purlwise, too much pattern writing this weekend):

  • 1. Daniel Day-Lewis & wife Rebecca Miller looking fabulous – I love a Navy Blue Tux!!
  • 2. My favorite couple, Helena Bonham-Carter and Tim Burton. I think he combed the left side of his hair this year.
  • 3. The Cutest Couple in Hollywood – no kidding – this is the only man with facial hair that makes me go ooowwww – lovely dress on the missus AND lest we forget what this is really all about: One of the most excellent movies to come out of Hollywood in years: ARGO!! Congrats to someone who deserved the gold…
  • 4. Bradley Cooper and his sneaker-wearin’ Mom, Gloria. Do I see a fun-fur shrug knock-off in my knitting crystal ball?
  • 2 Replies to “Monday Morning Mirth February 25, 2013”

    1. That fur thing is pretty scary. Though if you want to try a knock off without actually knitting your own fun fur, I have a cat bed that I never put together that I could send your way.

    2. I think everyone should have to bring their mom, at least once. I like her vibe! And I love how he could tuck her under his chin, but she looks like she would deck him if he did.

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