Monday, August 28, 2008

  Monday Morning Mirth  

knittng patterns

The truth be told, I’ve settled into a routine.

Early to rise, early to caffeine, early to the Board…

My friend S. is a writer, a very good writer. She is also an enabler: over the last two months we’ve been furiously playing Scrabble on Facebook (I’m bonnemarie).

She routinely kicks me to the curb; sometimes by hundreds and hundreds of points.

I admit it, I’m a newb, didn’t know the rules, didn’t know about the 2-letter words.

Well that’s all over now!

And right about the time I put on my BGPants, we started playing Wordscraper instead.

It lets you pick the values of the little placement thingies or will make a random board for you. We are playing on one board where they have almost no value at all. Score: S/233; me/194.

But look closely at the one above and if you do some exploratory math, what happens?

The new, improved score: S/15568; me/56468.

Game on!

4 Replies to “Monday, August 28, 2008”

  1. You go girl! I’ve been playing scrabble with my friend’s kids and am routinely getting my butt kicked by an eight year old. Oh, the humiliation….

  2. Do you ever play Scramble? I’m a little obsessed. And I’m totally looking you up on Facebook! I’m always looking for fellow wordgame fiends. :)

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