Monday, August 30, 2004

Monday Morning Mirth

Carrie: “So many roads, so many detours. So many choices, so many mistakes. As we drive along this road called life, occassionally, a gal will find herself a little lost and when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, woulda, buckle up and just keep going. As we speed along this endless road to destination called ‘who we hope to be’ I can’t help but whine — Are we there yet?”

Ummmm, apparently not…

Witness those wonky GAP ads that aired for the first time during the MTV Music Video Awards – I adore SJP, her style (this woman would look FABULOUS in a black plastic trash bag) but a Super What the —???

from the Gothamist: “The Gap’s fall campaign is centered around SJP’s customization of GAP jeans: On one pair, she added a velvet ribbon sewn down the legs to imitate tuxedo pants. Another one of her customized looks features jeans cut just below the knee and enhanced with a ribbon bow at the hemline…

“For the love of God, Gothamist does love being able to customize crap, but we fear people getting the wrong idea about Gap clothing – it’s about conformity!”

Did you know: “Some of Sarah’s finishing touches

4 Replies to “Monday, August 30, 2004”

  1. I was in the Gap a couple of weeks ago right after they put up some of the SJP posters. A customer asked where she could find one of the purses featured in the poster. The Asst Mgr, who was helping me at the time, kind of chuckled then informed the customer that it was Gucci.

  2. I dunno, I think SJP and her TV show were always about conformity – shopping, shopping, shopping. I stopped watching it during the second year.

  3. lenny went from target, to gap. I am still cool with target and gap, but it makes me want to scream SELL OUT! and I am not one of those people who often acuses musicians/actors of selling out. Most the time I say “more power to them” but in this case lenny makes me wanna barf.

    Sarah J, well I dunno.. she always kinda annoyed me.. I like her in 80’s movies.. and S&theCity is fun.. but well..


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