Monday Morning Mirth
Give Midwestern Kids the wide open Atlantic Ocean and what do they do?
GO for the SAND!
Our FaM got wild and crazy on the beach when we were on vacation in NC and we made an
Monday Morning Mirth
Give Midwestern Kids the wide open Atlantic Ocean and what do they do?
GO for the SAND!
Our FaM got wild and crazy on the beach when we were on vacation in NC and we made an
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very sweet face in the sand….
When I was a kid I used to visit my grandparents’ summer place at the beach in Baja California, and I remember that we’d sit up in the sand and build sand racing cars around our outstretched legs. It used to get me dirty beyond belief with sand everywhere, but what fun it was!
hilarious! i’m sad the summer is coming to an end. i may even have to rake leaves soon. i’m in denial. can’t get enough of summer fun.
AND HOW! We were robbed of summer here in Chicago – today it was in the humid high 80’s and I love it!
I gotta say, I’ve never known anyone who actually buried someone else in the sand. I thought it was an urban legend, something you only see in the movies. One more theory gone to hell. (Wait, I don’t actually “know” you do I? HAHA!)
The kids were MAD for it – they took turns – I think the sand was cool and just dirty enough to have the Ultimate Kid Appeal!