Thursday, September 23, 2004

What’s scarier?
This picture or the STORY that follows…

For the entire last weekend here at the Chez Chic,
there has been a Palace Uprising…

Stash Palace, that is!

Over the last couple of years (cough), the Collection Splendide of yarn in the house has just grown and grown.

Take one part LYS Seasonal Sales, add another part eBay, stir lightly with a dash of Michigan Fiber Fest, blend in the fabulous room temperature MDS&W haul, etc. etc. etc. and you have something that is now about the size of the TAJ MAHAL!!!

Pardon me, while I invoke #2 of the Bad Ass School of Knitting: “Buy as much yarn (and books and needles etc.) as you want, whenever the hell you want.”

Even with EXTREME ATTENTION paid to orgainzing the entire ensemble in January,

I LOST TRACK of SOME YARN and just about drove myself crazy trying to find it. It’s like when you have an important event to go to and start ripping through your closet, trying on every outfit you own and rejecting them in a tornadic FIT! The obvious, accessible yarn is not going to work for that mighty mighty project you have broiling in your mind. YOU MUST HAVE THE MISSING YARN!

All of this, of course, happened about 10 minutes before I needed to probably just turn in for the night. My downstairs neighbors probably wished I had instead of having to listen to me toss about boxes and bags of STUFF!

AHHH! the very best storage bags, IMHO, are those zipperred plastic things blankets and comforters come in!!! TOSS ‘EM in a pile! Some have handles! Easier for the heavin’ and hoin’…

This is what I was looking for and FINALLY FOUND all alone in a box under other boxes:

This is champion CormoCross yarn I got last year at the Michigan Fiber Festival from FoxHill Farm, of Lee, MA. (YUP – they’re at Rhinebeck!)

Written on August 20, 2003: “The softness and beauty of the yarn made from this wool is almost indescribable. I wish I had Feel-Around so I could share the *Hand* of Goodness…”

And THIS is what I’m going to make.

This has to be my favorite sweater of all times! PLAIN, Well-fitted, made from outstanding ingredients, once on, unable to be taken off!!!

NOT scary at all…

11 Replies to “Thursday, September 23, 2004”

  1. Bonne I totally can relate, when we moved this spring I was shocked at how much yarn I had accululated in a reletivly short period of time. I just kept pulling out bags from everywhere. My DH kept saying “There’s more?” He didn’t see the two bins I still had in storage! Good luck with the cardi that color will be so versitile.

  2. OMG! I am laughing because all of the yarn I’ve stashed under the bed is stored in those huge plastic zippered bags that came with our comforters. Pillows over here are enormous and also come in big zippered bags, so I use those, too. The stash under my bed looks like a recycled bedding package warehouse!

  3. I love the color of this yarn! It is just the natural color of the sheep who wore it last – a deep bittersweet chocolate color – not quite black but hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, YUM!

    About those bags: I love them soooo much, I am willing to take them off of anyone’s hands if you don’t want them :) email me and let me know…

    While I was going through all my suitcases looking for lost forgotten stash, I found 4 smaller bags that came with some sheets or pillow covers – you’d think I found GOLD I was so excited!!

  4. Where did you get such a CUTE sock monkey !!?? I love it!! If you know of anyplace I can get one, please tell. Thanks !!

  5. I am laughing at the lost yarn only because the other day I ransacked my entire house looking for a cable needle. A stupid little cable needle, that I can replace in no time.

    I’m glad you found it. That sweater is going to be gorgeous in that deep chocolate brown. What a rich color!

  6. Hey Lubna – how you doing? This monkey is made from a sock with individual toes! He has a Mohawk! He is another of the wonderful Sok Mungkes that I’ve gotten at the Renegade Craft Fair. Its creators have this web site (but not much info there):

    I’m not even sure where they’re based – many of the craftsters at the Renegade Fair were from other States…

    They do show an email addie..

  7. (Apologies for posting this to your “contact” link – belongs here.) I too love Kim Hargreaves’ Cinnamon pattern, was partly inspired to order the pattern book by your lovely lime version. Need to ask, as I swatch for it in my beautiful “Shark” Summer Tweed, whether you used knit-in elastic for the ribbing in your Summer Tweed version. If not, do you wish you had? If yes, do I carry along the elastic right from the time I begin casting on?

  8. Hi Beth! Actually, my *Cinnamon* is made from a Filatura di Crosa yarn called “Spongey”. It doesn’t have much give either, but I didn’t use any elastic in the rib.

    HOWEVER, I have done that in the past with success. I knit EVERY ROW of rib on a cotton sweater I made with a thin elastic thread carried along. This solved the stretch out problem for me, even through repeated laundering of the sweater…

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