Thursday, October 7, 2004


VaVaVoooom – I’ve learned my lesson…

Being whipped like a bowl of fresh cream by the first front of this cardi was a good thing AFTER ALL…

It allowed me to speed knit the second front, using all of my School of Hard Knocks Crib Notes in record time (ahem, hee, for me…)

This cardi has an applied neckband that goes around the back neck edge, so to continue the positive riff I was on, I sewed the shoulder seams. As the pieces became *whole* I was infected by a gleeful Finishing Frenzy and proceeded to mattress stitch the side seams, then steam the whole thing! (Lightly, microfiber content ahead…)

Here’s my buttons:

Beautiful Knotted Button OR Plain Black Button OR Etched Design Button???~

SIDEBAR: my knitting still intrigues and illuminates the inebriated on the #66. Last night a construction worker with a bag and belly full of beer, once again spoke an ODE to a Scarf that Wasn’t a Scarf…

15 Replies to “Thursday, October 7, 2004”

  1. I would love, love, love to get a look at your crib notes! This one’s waiting in the wings for a place on my needles.

  2. Argh! I can’t believe that I am going to be out of town for KIP for the second time in a row! I missed you guys last week! I’ll be thinking of you all from Michigan!

  3. The new sweater is gorgeous! I would have a hard time picking between the knotted buttons and the etched ones. Please model when it’s done!

    Will the new Ribby Cardi pattern call for a zipper?

  4. Hmmm…I’d go with plain buttons, so the focus could be on the sweater’s unique beauty…but if you *must* (!) go with the knotty. Definitely.

  5. As much as I *love* the knotty buttons, I think the gorgeous design of the sweater calls for understated buttons… I vote for the plain!

  6. Congratulations on La Fleur de Fluffa = per angusta ad augusta (through trials to triumph)might be a relevant epithet.

    I add my voice to the chorus of please for you to publish the pattern for the latest Ribby Cardi. From the gauge it should be just the right weight of garment for what counts for spring here.

  7. Sorry, but I go with the etched ones, as long as they are not too heavy. I’m sort of down on anything that sticks out from the surface of an item as classy and gorgeous as this sweater, but perhaps that is my hangup. But if the etched ones are heavy at all, I’d go with the plain ones; I once made a terrific mixed vest (entrelac on the back, two different styles of Aran on the front) out of handspun in a sort of sport-verging-on-dk weight and got these terrific cast metal buttons for the front of it. Looks great lying there flat on the table, but when I put it on, the weight of the buttons pulls the entire front down about 2 inches and ruins the entire effect. I’d have been better with a little plain plastic button.

  8. torn between knotty and plain, but its not going to matter ’cause that sweater is going to rock with either one. boy that’s a great color for it!

  9. I just bought the pattern for that sweater– what kind of yarn did you use? It looks beautiful.

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