Sunday, November 28, 2004

HELLO! Fellow MT-Gurus out there!

I’ve gotten into the RSS Feed-ing frenzy over at Bloglines –

Is there any way to control the output of the xml or rdf files with a style sheet in the same manner as the rest of MT?

I’m missin’ my CSS…


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9 Replies to “Sunday, November 28, 2004”

  1. Me, too! Thrilled you’re up and running and highlighted on my feeds…. Sorry I can’t help with the xml/rdf question, but I’m sure someone can.

  2. Hey! I’ve had you on my BL list for a while – only it just recently started working – like, showing bold when you made a new post. As for controlling the look & feel of the list … Well, I somehow got mine to work – I’m using MT … and I had to make sure it was nested in the / tags … if that makes sense. I’d have to double check to be truly accurate. My head was spinning when I was doing it. :p

  3. woohoo, saw you highlighted on my feeds! i thought had clicked the wrong feed choice or something before and kept readding you. i know, i’m technically challenged at times, lol.

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