Monday, December 27, 2004

  Monday Morning Mirth  

When your Christmas starts HERE
maybe it’s time to run for cover!

Why you might ask? Well, Vicky’s Secret, IMHO,
ususally doesn’t COVER UP MUCH!

And, if the last minute shoppers I saw out at Oakbrook Mall Christmas Eve were any indication, 9 ouf of 10 procrastinating Guy Shoppers were toting a VS bag back to their cars. (This was actually my reporting assignment that afternoon – last minute shopping that is…)

Imagine my surprise when is saw this box, from, RU ready, MY MOM! It had a note on it that said it was time to stop giving me the warm and fluffy PJ’s and that it was TIME TO GROW UP! Now Halloween is supposed to be the scary Holiday, non? but I was shaking in my faux fur-lined clogs (thanks, Sis!) all the same…

Off with the Lid and what do I see?

How cool is it that my Family respects the fact that I am, indeed, an ADULT!

Meet my little friends on the kitchen counter:
From Left to Right: New Guy on the Block, Santa Monkey; sitting on Huge Old Carnival Prize Dog (I call Happy Jack!); Red-Headed Girl Rag Doll holding Depression Era Celluloid Baby in a Crocheted Dress; Small Carnival Prize Dog (really – it’s RinTinTin!)

12 Replies to “Monday, December 27, 2004”

  1. Wow, I LOOOVE those sock monkeys! The fact that I have a small fondness for monkeys definitely doesn’t hurt. Definitely a gift any adult can appreciate. BTW, I wonder what those men are buying at Vicky’s secret, and if it’s something that the receivers actually want.

  2. Ah..sock monkey heaven!! As for VS, I have to say that when I have had the “honor” of looking at the catalog, all of the models look drugged to me. Honestly — if you look at the eyes, they look as if there is no there, THERE. We won’t even go into the issue of how they can be so thin every place else except for the breast area. Now, I’ve seen some girls who appear incredibly well-endowed in the chest and are not too terribly plump any place else, but DAMN! Living Barbie Dolls! No matter what I do in the dieting and weight-lifting and exercise modes, everything gets smaller all over — I certainly can’t get my body to cooperate like THAT!!
    Give the little sock guys a hug for me — as far as I’m concerned, that is the only reason that those socks were invented. Love Santa Monkey — is there a Mrs. Santa Monkey too?

  3. What great jammies! I didn’t know VS offered such fab merchandise. That is definitely what every girl needs. Happy New Year to you Bonne Marie!

  4. You do have THE absolute coolest mom!
    I think those may have to join the sushi and
    cow-jumping-over-the-moon pjs I wear when it gets cold enough here to wear ’em.
    Speaking of sock monkeys, did you know Penn Jillette wrote a book called “Sock” which is a murder mystery told from the point of view of a sock monkey?
    Happy Warm and Fluffy New Year!

  5. OMG – an ELF monkey? The mind REELS…

    Sissypants sez the Santa Monkey was birthed at Old Navy…

    Say, let’s have a Monkey Christmas next year?!

  6. Wow, I don’t like to covet things after reaping an excellent Christmas bounty of my own, but DANG–I want your PJs.

  7. Your mother *really* knows how to give gifts. My faves are the depression era doll and the Santa sock monkey!

    Happy holidays to you and yours, Miss B-M. Thank you for another year of cheer you’ve brought us all through your blog!


  8. Actually, Miss Fluffy – I might’ve mislead you -the Santa Monkey is the only gift you see sitting with all the Toys…

    The rest are from my rather large, pathetic, collection of Toys that have insinuated their way into my household over the years. My whole family are collectors. My Mom, Sister, and Aunt go for the Dollies. I like most things from the Depression Era. And Monkeys. And sometimes Teddy Bears…

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