Last night it snowed about 10 inches.
This is a motorcycle parked in front of my house.
Not one, but TWO BLUE VWs covered with Snow across the street.
It is still snowing…
Last night it snowed about 10 inches.
This is a motorcycle parked in front of my house.
Not one, but TWO BLUE VWs covered with Snow across the street.
It is still snowing…
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Hi Bonne Marie! Wow, great photos. Love the two “bug cars”, AND the motorcycle. Here in Seattle it is rain as usual, but maybe we should be grateful! Have a great, SAFE day. I suppose no snow day for you, sigh.
WOW, really beautiful. I envy you.
Greetings from Switzerland
Well! I guess I’ll be up to my A** in, well, not alligators – that’s for sure.
Maybe I’ll get stranded somewhere for awhile and be able to finish my Shazam sleeve… YEAH!
Wow, I’m almost jealous. We’ve had nothing but rain rain rain the last 24 hours, and it’s gloomy and gross and (finally) cold after a week near 60. Look how pretty Chicago looks!!
Well I am jealous, I want snow!!! Now that Christmas is over it’s time. They are forcasting it here for tomarrow but nothing like what you’ve got. Just an inch or so. Enjoy it before it gets all city grey and dirty.
It was so pretty this morning in the ‘burbs. Then I had to drive in it! Good luck and be careful on the road!!
We were on the rain end of that storm system…just a little north of me – where the majority of my family is they got ice. Have to say, we got the better end of the deal – I think our pre-Christmas snow pretty much took care of my snow wantings for *this* winter.
Love the pic of the snow covered bugs…being a VW Bug owner myself (her name is Betty) my condolences go out to those who have to try to get around in ’em in the snow. They sit so low to the ground…
Be safe and stay warm!
brrrrr !
Very beautiful, this snow, but it’s too cold for me. At home, it makes 16
That’s one cold ride! Take care on the roads.
We’re due for some of that later today. That photo of the two VWs is really nice. It needs to be on a calendar or something (under January, obviously)
OK, you’ve got another insanely jealous person here. I’m wishing for a little of that Chicago snow to make its way to VA, but it’s been so warm here lately that I’m afraid the trees are going to start budding…
It snowed here in Iowa from 4:00 on Tuesday to the wee hours of today and I think that we got around 10+ inches by the end. The streets here look quite similar to your pics. I really enjoyed walking home in the slowly falling snow last night but lost some appeal this morning.
Have a fun and safe day!
Although it is kind of sucky getting around in this weather, it’s my favorite kind of winter day. Not too windy or bitterly cold, and the snow is mostly still white everywhere! In a couple days it’s going to be all dingy and soggy again…
I can’t make it to KIP this week, but next time for sure!! Happy new year!
Out in the suburbs (Downers Grove) we had 7 inches at 11pm last night. We got at least another 2 inches over night, and probably 3. It was still snowing cats and dogs when I left this morning for work.
But, snow is fun, despite having to drive in it and tromp through it.
Was just in Chicago last week….(Southport/Wrigleyville area)…here in Ohio we’re have an ice storm….maybe the snow is headed our way…my 12 yr old will be happy to use her new sled!
We still don’t have ANY up here in Maine!
We did get a single snowfall late last year, but nothing since, and other than those little streaky bits where it was really packed down, it looks like late fall here.
The side streets are lousy with snow, but I’ve still been able to ride my bicycle to and from the Loop by sticking to busy streets like Wells and Lincoln Avenue. On the way home last night in the snow storm, I pedaled past a bunch of stalled/stuck cars. Bwahahahaha! Let it snow!
Hey! don’t let Michelle fool you. Seattle has been crispy cool (32F) and brightly sunny for four days in a row! Now it’s grey and rumors of snow abound…but mostly it’ll be freezing rain and black ice.
I’d love to have real snow fall here. But then it’s a media frenzy and the natives drive even more crazy.
Great pictures.
i’m so jealous… well, not really. but i’d take some of that snow if you want. we only got about 3 or 4 inches in mid-Michigan. I want more!! I want a snow day for the working world!! almost makes me wish i was back in high school…but not quite.
Better get out that ironing board…
In honor of cold weather everywhere I am knitting my first pair of mittens–a double first for thumb gussets and cables!
Great photos! Good luck getting around today!
Rainy and unseasonably warm here in Atlanta. Love the photo of the bugs. Stay safe, stay warm, be careful. I grew up in mid-Ohio. I remember the “stillness” of the snow. It’s like a muffler. Sure don’t miss it though!
I love the twin, snowed-in Bugs! My neighbor has a Mini, and it has almost disappeared. My (wool) hat is off to Rachel for biking in this stuff! Whoah.
Hi Bonne Marie, Thanks for the great photos. Living in South Florida since I was born (49 years ago) I have no idea what it is like to live in climate like yours. But it boogles my mind to see all that snow, when it is in the low 80’s down here today. If you need to get away during the winter months let me know, you have an invitation. Faith
I grew up in snow but I’ve been in FL for, wow, 23 years? I haven’t dealt with snow in a long, long time. It was 80 here today, which is rather warm for us right now. Love the pictures -I still miss snow, but I don’t miss having to go dig out one of those cars and go to work!
Damn. Amazing shots. Thanks.
Awesome Photography!
What a great pic of the motorcycle! Sure not a day to try to ride though. We just came back to the Bay Area (CA) from Carson City. They closed I80 behind us. Total whiteout, ice, deep snow, still snowing. brrrr..
Stay warm!
I’m just east of Vancouver BC (up in Canada eh), and we had about 3 inches. Then it stopped and just got COLD. Cold for us is anything 0C and under. I wish we’d get more, but BC drivers, especially the Vancouver ones, don’t know how to drive in snow. Sends them into extreme panic mode. Love your pics – they are great!