Tuesday, July 21, 2009

DRAMA: uR doin it wrong…

Twas a happy day; a summer’s day. And most fun, a new threads day…

Out to the summer porch to take a portrait shot, with anticipation and glee, dancing the chacha in my head ala Steve Martin, all crazy like, comedy :)

ctimagesUntil. The shots were loaded and you noticed that there were greyish streaks across the photo in places.

Thinking perhaps a dirty camera lens was leaving its mark, you cleaned the lens, re-shot and re-looked. And It was still there…

So you took another picture to check.


No problem there.

So the reality is that somehow, you still haven’t learned your lesson. Trying to get some chores done, you washed the new, fabulous sweater with an older, multicolor sweater which kissed and told all over many parts of its surface. Looking closer, you see what you thought was grey was red reacting with the original blue of the cotton yarn. You’ve seen this movie before! A Tragedy, to be sure. Didn’t like it the first time; hatin’ it right now…

it does have pretty buttons…


So there was only one thing left to do.

Introduce the Robin Egg BCH to my other little friends…


11 Replies to “Tuesday, July 21, 2009”

  1. Crap (tried and failed to keep it clean)! I’m so sorry that this happened when you washed/blocked your sweater. Hopefully, the dying will fix everything!

  2. What a shame — the original color of that sweater is a lovely one.

    Any chance that the red dye hasn’t actually been set and could be removed using some stain removers or a long soak?

  3. Oh, Bonne! Although it’s simply awful, it is a good cautionary tale for the rest of us. Not much solace, I know. It’ll be just a purdy when you’re done dyeing it.

  4. Oh, ouch. I once was able to get red out of a white baby blanket with a special stain remover, made expressly for laundry-challenged people like myself. But if that doesn’t work, hey, you wanted a darker caridgan, right? Sigh.

  5. Oh, the laundry “kiss-and-tell!” A shame, too, because your sweater is such a lovely blue. Can’t wait to see what dye majicks you will bring to the table.

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