Friday, March 11, 2005

Sublime b.Lime
the color study continues

Ferragamo Store
Michigan Ave Chicago

Apparently, while I’ve been happily waving my pompom over at the MPC (Martha Poncho Circus), the Fashion Gods have gone and DONE IT!

Everywhere you look, in many a Springtime window, it’s there…

Splashes and dashes. Head and Feet. Hands and Arms. Over the shoulder and bolder and bolder

it’s LIME!

And, ahem, I have to agree. In what appears to be the perfect union of function and color, we see the lovely freshness that is LIME all over the place…

(virtual) Window Shopping





…visit Gallery b.Limey here

14 Replies to “Friday, March 11, 2005”

  1. My sister keeps arguing with my husband that green is the ‘new pink’…Not sure what that means, but I can venture a guess that green (all shades) will be everywhere this season!!

  2. Oh, how those shoes make my head spin! I’ve noticed myself picking up lime things more often now (a wallet, a pair of Roos that are hot pink and lime green…), and wondered if maybe the mass subconscious was working its magic on me. Weirdly, I’m also drawn to yellow lately. Maybe spring will bring citrus-y brights!

  3. Luv the gallery. It does look like green is what pink was last season—all over the place!!!

  4. I must comment on the poncho update in the sidebar. Does anyone else think that Bernat is stealing that woman’s work? They could at least credit her. Just because she’s in prison doesn’t make it right.

  5. Spring sure seems to be in the air! The greens remind me of it that’s for sure…but I’ll have to admire it from afar….greens tend to turn me yellow in the face….LOL I agree on the Martha poncho…not fair they don’t give credit where credit’s due….

  6. I am just steamed about the MS Poncho Pattern. Today I received emails from both Lion and Paton offering free
    Martha (no pun intended) poncho patterns. I guess if you’re doing time they take your right to design credit away. Whoever the original maker is…she deserves better.

  7. I’m wondering that myself! As a photo(journalist), when I’m on the job, we are always interested in the person BEHIND the phenom…

    Although Martha has the highest profile here, there is that other *interesting* side to this story that no one is putting a spotlight on. I’m intrigued…

    Credit should be given where credit is due!

  8. Chartreusey limey green will always be da bomb.

    Looks improbably good on us pasty formerly blond types, I might add. xoxo Kay

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