Can you tell? Tuesday September 1, 2009

The best kind of changes are the ones that are seamless. They go from point A to point B without a rumble, without a scream.

1 – I jumped off the cliff this weekend and, once again, upgraded WordPress! This is the 3rd time I’ve done that, the second without a hitch. Not really sure what functionality I gained, but supposedly, there is a security gain. Anybody who understands this better than I jump in now ;p

2 – Also into some new territory: le Chic Boutique styles page has been upgraded and standardized to look more uniform. Now all the pictures are the same size and style and the garments are grouped according to type. Hopefully, all the pages turn now in the proper order without hitting any dead ends.

3 – Most fun: I’ve added the lovely multi-picture effects (like you see in the post from the 30th that says “Click for Additional Views”). This one was a real bugger to get going — some Javascript throwdown between two different files made me cross-eyed for awhile, but it’s behind me now and I can’t stop dissolving between pictures. Hopefully, I’ll be upgrading all of the designs to multiple views with large pretty pictures in the coming days. Any excuse to play in Photoshop but when you get something that’s fun as well, what a bonus!

4 – This has nothing to do with the website, but I fixed our garage door locks and feel like a geek of the highest magnitude. Armed with some WD-40, I unstuck the tumblers in the main deadbolt, and defrosted the little look too. shamWOW.

And then there was knitting…


One Mondo Cable sweater is not enough at this point; after a stash dive, another was added to the mix. On needles #2, a pullover going on with some yummy grey soft merino boucle from long ago. It’s made by the defunct Jaeger company and is called Persia. Very comfy to knit and I hope to wear — it’s almost polar-fleecy with tiny lofts and puffs.


So on the left, going with great speed as a Mondo Cable Cardi, Blackberry Ridge MOHAIR MIST and on the right, Jaeger PERSIA for the pulli. I have a sneaky feeling it’s going to be a cold, cold winter this year and I am going to be ready with some chilly style.

5 Replies to “Can you tell? Tuesday September 1, 2009”

  1. I love this blog! Don’t know why, but after years of lurking, I just wanted to tell you that. I “broke” one of my WordPress blogs yesterday while doing the same upgrade that you mention, but I finally got it sorted. Now if I could only conquer my fear of the circular needle. . .

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