the Winner…
With a resounding margin, the Uber Marl button wins the b.Lime OFf! What is really funny, is I actually bought these buttons especially for this cardi at the same store I got the buttons for the Spencer Jacket. (If you are visiting the Rush St./Oak St. area, do not miss Tender Buttons! No affiliation, yadda yadda ydda). They are actually quite green, but subtle.
BUT, my confidence floundered, for no particular reason, happens alot in late winter, and I had to throw the gauntlet down on a couple of other button looks just to be sure. Thanks for helping!!!
I wouldn’t go as far as to admit to being a Collector, but I am an afficianado :) Over the years, I’ve amassed a pile or so, and can’t wait for better weather (what a tired-ass song this is becoming – my apologies) so I can go Flea Marketing in the outer counties for: BUTTONS!
Kane County: first weekend of the month, year-round
Lake Co: Every Second Weekend Each Month
DuPage Co: 3rd Sunday of the Month
Sandwich, IL: an antique market
Actually, I just like strolling around – but one SHOULD have an agenda, non? You could collect buttons your entire life and never even fill a drawer!
Aye, I hear the piper callin’ me to DuPage to wander about maybe Sunday…
More adventures in Buttons HERE
I collect buttons too! I have a two clear containers (big containers) completely full of buttons. I acquired my love for buttons, fabric, anything that has to do with making something from fiber from my mom. She was a professional seamstress in her earlier years (and still is as far as I am concerned!) When I was child, I would set around and just look at them and make them into pretty shapes.
Maybe I’d be more of a button collector if I didn’t so DREAD making buttonholes! I have some adorable buttons for kids’ sweaters, but I just haven’t managed to make sweaters that require buttonholes lately.
Our local JoAnn Fabrics store is cleaning out its stock to make way for a bigger and better JoAnn Fabrics Store (right next door to the bigger and better Mart-o-Wal!) At any rate, all buttons are 70% off and I cleaned up last weekend. I am afraid I’ve discovered a new addiction.
Hey! Just saw Bonne Marie Burns mentioned in the Family Circle Easy Knitting Spring/Summer issue. I hope it makes you famous and rich, or at least rich.
Hey Vicki – Woot! Cool button score. Family Circle: I had no idea! I’ve gotta go find that! Wow!
I need to move to a move chic urban area where there are such things as button shops!!! Hartford is the cultural/creative sewer of the NE….really.
Yep. You are mentioned as an online pattern vendor in the article titled “Feeding the Fiber Beast” which just made me check out your pattern boutique again and Wow! – I completely forgot that I have your lacy poncho pattern! Oh boy, spring poncho coming on. Seriously, I find your patterns wonderful to use and the outcomes are always great. I don’t even like hats, but I now want a wardrobe of felted buckets with buttons on the bands.
When I was a little girl my grandma had a fab button collection, stored in old chests. The women in the family loved the buttons, displayed in intricate patterns on pieces of fabric, like small quilts. There were black velvet ones with crystal and gold buttons. A brown small one with german buttons from uniforms, along with the buttons from her sons uniforms. We were all enchanted and she had 10 children who gave her buttons all the time. Your blog is wondeful, you’re so generous to share your creativity. Thank you
I want to know what kind of yarn that is (the green), its gorgeous!