Monday Morning Mirth September 28, 2009

  Monday Morning Mirth  

Because we are a slave to fashion, we can’t help but try to keep up with the Trends!

But when a Trend is careening the wrong way down a one-way street to nowheresville, we gotta just shake our heads and cry “Uncle!”.

You, dear reader, decide, which is least offensive:

Fall Winter Trends
Leather Clothing
Chunky Knits
Ripped Tights
One-Shouldered Anything
Ripped Jeans
Military Fashion free polls

10 Replies to “Monday Morning Mirth September 28, 2009”

  1. From the coverage I’ve seen of the new fashions, there’s not a single thing that’s wearable – just a bunch of attitude. I wonder what the
    mass market clothing industry will produce from that kind of dreck.

  2. Like anything else, any of these ‘fashion trends’ can be good or bad (well, except the ripped tights – they just look lazy and cheap). Unfortunately, the designers seem to think that if a little is good, a lot is better.

  3. Maybe my problem is that I do menswear. I have no idea what showed for ladies’ wear in February. I’m just overjoyed at how good the knits, leather, rips etc. are in menswear.

  4. Wait, “least offensive”?? Argghh, then I just voted in favour of ripped tights. Time for beddy-bye.

  5. My big thumbs up goes to chunky knit ACCESSORIES (but not sweaters).

    Withholding acquiescence to ripped jeans (or tights) even though I’ve got that one covered in spades…

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