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More b.Lime from the Streets of Chicago… Housewares, fashion, even shop walls – it’s EveryWhere…
Clockwise from top left:
1. Cafe au Lait Cups: huge chartruese dishware on a shelf.
2. Ruffled Edges: on a stack of lamp shades.
3. Beautiful Walls: Prada Store on Oak & Rush.
4. More Ruffles: wonderful ombre skirt.
5. (center) Embossed Flower Purse: yellow-green mingles with blue & aqua.
…all photos & graphics
I was looking thru the archives and ran across the ‘after’ sweater posted on Feb 3rd. It’s beautiful!!! Is that your own design or did the pattern come from someplace else?
Also love the green sweater in progress…
Thanks! That’s just a sweater I designed and made for my working wardrobe. The pattern is not available.
I love the tea cups and the purse. Chartruese reminds me of lady’s mantle which I am definitely adding more of to the garden this year. The leaves are a nice fuzzy pretty shade of green and the “flowers” are chartruese.
Those are really fab pictures in a cool setup. I’ve got green breakfast cups that look like those! Cafe au lait, anyone?
(I think I’ve gotten bitten by the green bug. I’ll be knitting more green this spring, and I’ve never knit anything in green for myself until recently. Going green, bay-bee!)