Monday Morning Mirth
Becasue sometimes life is just too boring to do anything but Google Image search on random words, I present to you my search on the word *knitting*…
1. Page 1-Row 3-2L: Warning! Naughty Content…
2. Page 2-Row 3-4L: a dog who K***s?
3. Page 3-Row 5-1L: just because…
and, in case you missed it the first time around…
googlize your name HERE…
I toogled my kids names and got naked (or almost naked) ladies!
I LIKE chicknits!! Various permutations of my name turned up ???, an MG (no surprise) and something that looked suspiciously like Charlie’s Angels.
Very cool — I did mine in several variations and totally loved each one! Thank you for sharing that!