Friday, August 12, 2005

Finally – the weekend has almost arrived! I am busy making my swatches for my sleeve class at Stitches Midwest. I actually have the day off and am being called by the siren song that is the Yarn Market over there but there are too many chores to do today to go play…



I picked these four classes:

Sat AM: “the Perfect Sleeve” taught by Jean Frost (!)
Sat PM: “Grafting with a Russian Twist” taught by Galina Khmeleva
Sun AM: “Where Do My Hands Go?” pockets as taught by Barry Klein
Sun PM: “7 Things that can Make or Break a Sweater” by Margaret Fisher

I really can’t wait for the POCKET adventure to begin – I think they are the sweetest (and functional) little additions to sweaters and plan on sprinkling them liberally around once I know how to do them better.

So far, I’ve done pockets you’ve sewn on afterwards to the right-side of the garment; picked-up pockets (nay! picked pockets); pockets that are knit first as a facing then joined to the garment after some stitches are bound-off for an edging; and DrumRoll please, a version of EZ’s AfterThought Pocket, which just might join my Holy Trinity of Naughty Knitting Techniques (Steeking, Felting, and Frogging) because you get to CUT the stitches right in the middle of a row and continue!

For those of you that won’t be joining us out in Rosemont, there’s an online primer written by the wonderful Nina Savar. Right-click on the Afterthought Pocket link on this page and choose “Save Target As” to download this document to your harddrive (It’s about 1Mb). And speaking of joining – if you have a knitting group in your community, check it out! Our Windy City Knitting Guild is always chock full of adventure and KNOWLEDGE – they have demonstrations every meeting and wonderful workshops. Don’t have a group where you live? Start One!

One Reply to “Friday, August 12, 2005”

  1. I had a class with Barry Klein today. He’s quite a good instructor and seemed very willing to provide one-on-one assistance where needed.

    I’ll keep an eye out for the lovely pocket features that I’m sure will soon show up in your already fabulous designs.

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