Thursday, August 18, 2005

what my Friend did on her Summer Vacation…


Being trapped in the Cul-de-Sac that is the MidWest sometimes prevents my brain from tripping naturally around the greater North American region. Not So for my good friend Lorri, who just returned from a fabulous biking adventure up (see what I mean) in Nova Scotia!

One of her stops was River John. And what happened in River John? Why she scooped up a treasure of souvenirs for her little buddy in Chicago: MOI :)

Isn’t this the most beautiful yarn ever? AND it is coupled with some handmade Birch Swing needles – all this came from the Lismore Sheep Farm – crafted by John Crawford…

The very best thing about this is that Lorri gave me a paper sack in the lobby of the building where we both work. I pulled it out and started weeping! Why the tears? (beside the usual sentimentality between good friends?) well – my two oldest friends are not knitters – and for Lorri to NAIL IT like this just blew me away!

b.LIMEY, Mate! I am the luckiest girl alive!

21 Replies to “Thursday, August 18, 2005”

  1. A wonderful story – a very good person/friend there! Hmm, I guess we’ll all think twice about brown paper bags and what can be inside…

    I literally kept my mouth open in awe when I saw the yarn and needles – been wanting some of those needles for awhile. Let us know what you do w. it – it wd. be wonderful to see knitted up.

  2. What a sweet friend! And how wonderful that she’s in your life and thinks so much of you. Hurray for girlfriends :)


  3. I’m droolin’…and bein’ a Canuck, I’ve seen this stuff at my LYS. Grand, ain’t it?!

  4. I get so excited when my tiny province shows up on peoples’ knit blogs! I live in Halifax (the capital of NS), around the corner from a LYS that carries Fleece Artist/Handmaiden – beautiful colorways. Would you believe that I’ve NEVER been to Lismore Sheep Farm (despite the fact that my husband grew up down the road from River John in Tatamagouche). I think a road trip is in order sometime.

  5. I am really excited about your area too! I think I’m going to try and visit next summer – it will be fun planning the trip over the winter…

    The more I talk to my friend the more beautiful it sounds –

  6. I’ve never heard of swing needles before. How are they different from regular needles?

  7. Handmaiden yarn – yummie ain’t it! I ordered from RAM Wools a kit for the silk shoulder wrap after seeing Harlot’s blog about the Silk Vee she made for her mother. Had to get me some. It worked up beautifully – the color amazing and I feel like a million bucks with it draped over my shoulders!

  8. Hooray for you! Gorgeous yarn, nice needles, nice friend too! Let us know what the yarn becomes.

  9. Are you from West Michigan? I am here in Jenison-go ‘Caps! Beautiful yarn, and I am curious about swing needles as well. What a great a friend you have, even if she doesn’t knit! ;o)

  10. Ooo, nice gift. I just cast on for the same scarf in a colorway called Dragonfly – h.Pinky ;>

    Go for the first pattern that involves the varying wrapped stitches. It come out very wild. I’ve done a scarf in the style of the darker colorway on the pattern card and it’s gorgeous but not as much fun as the dropped stitch version.

  11. You are a luckey, lucky girl. It made you cry but it’s making my mouth water. What a bee-you-tiful gift.

  12. Hi Bonne,
    I’ve never met you but I think of you every single time I see lime green. That yarn is perfect for you.

  13. Wow, that yarn is gorgeous! The colors are so deep and rich I’ll be waiting to see what you end up knitting with it. You are a very lucky girl to have such a thoughtful friend.

  14. Splendid yarn – am very lustful. On a totally different topic of a few weeks ago, was just reading Knitting Around by Elizabeth Zimmerman, and in the back in the How-to section, she had directions for a slightly better SSK – slipping the first stitch knitwise and the second stitch purlwise. Apparently tucks the second stitch in behind the first one. Worth a shot!

  15. That yarn was definitely made for you. Lime green, a touch of sparkle…very elegant, very you!

  16. That is a beautiful gift! It’s nice that your non-knitting friend appreciates you and your craft.

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