I cannot tell a lie – although I fibbed so hard my nose grew as long
as one of my size #13 Swing Needles, when I said I wasn’t going to get any yarn at SMW…
All the knitting divas I’ve asked have told me, quaility work needs, nay! begs for quality Raw Goods. Who am I to argue…
L. to R.: Natural Grey Polwarth & Silk (for a stole); Dk. Grn & Navy w/Lime Malabrigo (for a felted Bucket Hat); and pretty colored Hemp/Wool Mini’s (for socks!)
So imagine my surprise, when unpacking my goodie bag from SMW (finally this morning), I unleashed the yarn that grabbed me by the throat during the festival. These were things I’d never seen before! These were things I couldn’t get around the corner, on the street or missed on the web…
Especially interesting – the Polwarth & Silk Fingering Weight, (from Rovings, in Canada). I wandered by a booth from our very own “the Fold” and overheard two teenagers talking as they were petting some wool in a pile before them. They were gushing as if it was the Waxy Head of Chad Michael Murray popping up for a quick pat and I listened with great interest (and actual awe!) as they waxed poetic over YARN!
DO TELL? And they did – they told me all about it! Both these young ladies were outfitted in their own creations – one in a beautiful lace shawl, the other a very cool poncho. They were spinners, fiber connoisseurs, and I listened with rapt interest! They said Polwarth, especially with silk, is surely worthy poetry and more. I intend to make a stole out of it. Reading in my copy of In Sheep’s Clothing I found that it is also known for its softness and durability. And WHO could knock the Teen Seal of Approval?
Along with inspiring raw goods, one needs inspiring vibes to make glorious creations. ENTER THE HEARTthrob: it’s so easy to watch TV while I’m knitting away and who better than Action Hero Don Eppes (do you know his real name?) to keep my needles company!
Is it just me or is this a picture (grabbed while I was fooling around with my creaky old digital camera) a little too reminiscent of one D. Duchovny? And where the heck is he anyway?
Don Epps is played by Rob Morrow who was the star of Northern Exposure (Joel Fleishman)
I adore Numbers. I, however, have a thing for Charlie. As I told my husband…”he makes me happy.”
Gorgeous yarn. Can’t wait to see it knit up.
Don’t we all love a man in action AND in some kind of uniform? *rowr!*
I thought it was Rob Marrow (Northern Exposure) in a flak jacket.
If you have Netflix, you might want to catch up on old Northern Exposure disks – great show, fantastic writing, and the knitting content will haunt you. And just because I saw this little fact on tv the other day. Rob & his wife named their daughter Tu as in Tu Morrow.
I’m enjoying your blog very much.
I loved Rob Morrow in Northern Exposure and now in Numbers – but Charlie is a looker too.
The Spencer sweater is terrific. I read your entry about covering the fire. Wow.
I had to pull cable for the Balloon Fiesta one year (25 years ago)- thousands of feet of cable, hundreds of thousands of people stepping on it, hours of following the camera guy around in the dust and dirt and cold….
I’m way spoiled now -my camera(s) are a Panasonic DV951 and DV953 and a tiny PV-GS15 with a 24X lens whose 4hr battery weighs more than the camera! The tripod weighs so much more than all my equipment put together. But I’m not shooting the same stuff you do. I shoot surgeries – I can count the ply in sutures with the 24X lens! ; Grand Rounds, Cadaver lab, med school lectures and like that. Now that I’m in my 50’s I don’t think I could even pick up an ENG camera :)!
We just had a tough week here – one gunman shot a DOT worker, 2 clerks in a motorcycle shop and 2 Policemen all in ONE day. My office is near OMI and it was hard to be around there. (I’m really glad I don’t shoot autopsies.)
Thanks for the tip about hair conditioner and stiff yarn. I’m knitting an Irish Hiking scarf for my twin brother and worried aboutit being too scratchy in the Yak and Wool blend. A Woman Obsessed turned me on to your entries.
I have a blog in the High Desert Knitters ring and Knit the Southwest ring as well, but not as cool as yours.
Bless you and take care.
Be careful out there.
thanks for the link to “The Fold”…drooling over the fiber. i just started spinning about a pound of burgundy merino/silk rovings with a opalescent monofilament…I love it! I’ll definately be visiting The Fold again!
Mmmmm – Rob Morrow. Thank goodness for TiVo, I can enjoy him whenever the mood strikes. Love your new yarn goodies!
That’s funny! At first, I thought that was a photo of Elvis.
Ah, yes, Northern Exposure – I keep wanting to get Cable, maybe this will put me over the EDGE. Think of all the knitting I could get done if I tuned in and stitched out!
Mr. Morrow (in his flak jacket) is a bit more provacative these days – not so whiny :)
Love that Northern Exposure. Have some family in Alaska, and I be darned if there are really places and people just like on the show!! cranky egotistical mayors, eccentric female pilots, philosophical bar owners. Although, I didn’t meet anyone like Ed or Chris (radio dude).
Never met anybody like Ed or Chris in Chicago, either, but hey, I’d like to :)
John Corbett, hmmmm…………
(I can play the eccentric knitting photojournalist role – don’t know how to fly a plane although it’s one of my lifetime goals to at least ride in an F16.)
I totally thought that was David Duchovny. Wacky!
And that Hemp yarn is the neatest colors!
Woo hoo! Nice eye candy on the telly there. [Wiggles eyebrows.]
The voice of David Duchovny can currently be heard hawking dog food on TV. But I haven’t SEEN him in an age.
And Rob Morrow? Is hot. ;-) I loved him as Fleischmann and I love him as Agent Epps. He made a strange movie called “Maze” a couple years back, where he played an artist with Tourette’s Syndrome. Laura Linney was the love interest. I wasn’t wild about the film, but Rob Morrow sure did a great job with the character.
Rob Morrow has been a heart throb of mine since Northern Exposure – even though he was such a kvetch in that show.
Still looks good and I think he’s got a nicer mouth than D. Duchovny.