Monday, August 29, 2005

  Monday Morning Mirth  

On the multimedia front, I’ve been really dragging my feet when it comes to some icons, no slower, it seems than getting on the Hogswarts Express!

That all changed a few weeks ago when I got an assignment to shoot a piece with the Man Behind the HP Audio Books: Mr. Jim Dale. In no time, I finally understood what all the fuss was about. His wit, charm, audacity and multiple personalities BLEW me away!

See for yourself HERE

(fast connections best)

I’ve read the first four books, in the short weeks since that day, and am now on Book 5 in the series…

8 Replies to “Monday, August 29, 2005”

  1. What a talent! I too have resisted the lure of Harry Potter, but now I’m thinking that the audio books would make a good accompaniment to knitting…

  2. He is indeed wonderful. I’ve listened to all of the HP books except this last one, succumbing to the temptation of a loaned copy of the book rather than waiting for the library’s recorded copy. I wish I had waited, listening to Dale is the BEST way to “read” these books.

  3. Wow! Awesome. I’ve listened to all the HP books from the Library. The anticipation of waiting for my turn is half the fun. I just got the latest one on Saturday. Jim Dale brilliant. I was just wondering how he kept all the voices straight. Thanks for that link! Good work!

  4. Wow, that was great! I stopped reading “Harry” mid-way through Book III, but might just go for it in audio form…Add to to-do list for today: stop at Library for HP on tape!

  5. I know what you mean. I avoided HP for years, and then this year caught Jim Dale reading it aloud and was hooked. I’ve listened to all six books (more than once!) and will always *read* HP this way.

  6. I can’t wait to try out the audio books – I’ve started scoping out eBay for used copies – has anyone put them on their iPod?

  7. Oh, I have all six on my iPod. I seem to be one of the few who uses my iPod more for Books-on-Tape than for music–I have everything from the Wind in the Willows (narrated by Terry Gilliam) to the Elizabeth Peters/Amelia Peabody books, to the Lord of the Rings and then to Terry Pratchett (Wee Free Men and Hat Full of Sky, go right now and download them from Audible). There’s nothing better than listening to a book while knitting lace.


  8. One of us! One of us! :D

    A friend of mine gave me the HP audiobooks after I expressed to him that I couldn’t read and knit at the same time. (I’ve read the HP series a few times now, in book form) I thank my friend every time I *read* HP while I knit.

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