Monday, September 5, 2005

  Monday Morning Mirth  

now that Martha’s lost the ankle candy,
it’s back-to-business with a vengence…

Coming Soon to a TV near YOU! The Apprentice – Martha Style!

And with every reality show goes a Catch Phrase!

Methinks it’s No Bark – No Bite!

Vote HERE for the silliest of them ALL!

“At a press conference, talking about her secret catchphrase, Martha Stewart joked, “What I really wanted to say is, ‘Your a** is gra**.””

AHHH, my mentor returns!


4 Replies to “Monday, September 5, 2005”

  1. Good Morning.

    Your shawl is amazing….I’ve just started knitting a couple of weeks ago and have made a couple of simple but lovely scarves. I’d love to have the pattern for your beautiful shawl. Could you share? I love your blog.


  2. Hi Teresa – thanks so much for the wonderful compliment! The pattern is found in the Fall 2004 Interweave Knits magazine – I bought it at Borders – you might be able to buy it online still…

    Because patterns are copyrighted, it is not allowable to just send it to you :)

  3. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll look it up and visit your site often for inspiration. Thanks again. Question: Have you used the ribbon type yarns with the soft wools….alternation as you would if creating a color pattern? I have some beautiful ribbon but only 1 scain….thought maybe I could use it that way……with a shawl pattern I have or scarf….

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