Friday, September 16, 2005


TINKER rears his Fugly Head

This wonky sleeve has irritated me, well, ever since the sweater was done. Back in the day, because it was 100% according to pattern directions and finished dimensions, I just said OK. I’ll wear it. I’ll Like it.


It is too damn long! I don’t like to roll it back – it’s too darn Tight as well. WHO cares that this is discovered 2 seconds before one must leave for their day job?! Not me! I must tinker tinker do…

Because, we all know, it can be FIXED!

I have the yarn. I have the Needles. I have the WILL!


Because I used the M1 method of increasing for this sleeve, it is easy to see where I can start the new edge. I’ll gain about 4 stitches as well and the sleeve won’t be so tight at the wrist.

OOooops – gotta catch the #66…

This has to some kind of adjunt to Murphy’s Law – just when things get interesting, you gotta run away and do something DULL…

To quote the intimitable Michelle: “Oh, well…”

2 Replies to “Friday, September 16, 2005”

  1. I’m looking forward to seeing you do this. I’ve been wanting to learn how to alter my knits. Any books to recommend?

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