Sleeve Me April 20, 2010

And then there was one…

One more sleeve to go, that is :)


My first CeCe sleeve is ready to go into a time out (until Sleeve #2 is done). I chose to knit this flat instead of in the round because Black Yarn bites. Or could, in the late hours when I have time to knit, hee.

For this first sleeve, I left the Body section on the original needles I was using and picked up a spare pair of Teflon coated needles (Inox) from the stash.

WOW! What difference — I really wish I’d used them for the body — the knitting went so much faster (and I think it looks more even). There’s always a trade off in the friction created between materials from the fiber and the needle coating. I originally went with nickel — bamboo seemed to clingy — but nickel was actually too slippery.

These teflon-coated ones are just right and also have a really great, sharp point and I am amazed at how natural the stitches slip in the lace process — almost like St st.


Just found out I have some great company in a miniKAL with CeCe, none other than the fabulous Wendy from — WAVE! She’s making one from chocolate Rowan Calmer, which was the fiber used for the original sample sweater. So yummy!!

4 Replies to “Sleeve Me April 20, 2010”

  1. I’d like to know more about your decision to knit the black yarn flat. I just finished a a black tank that I did in the round, but I do admit that I did most of the knitting in the daytime. Love Cece, btw.

  2. I LOVE Inox teflon coated needles! I love the flat matt grey finish that doesn’t glare when the light hits them and shows up the yarn no matter what color your using. I once thought I’d have to give up kitting in dark colors with my old eyes, but not since I started using Inox. And I love how the yarn moves on them, too, easy and smooth with no slippage.

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