Friday, May 21, 2004


AYE-EEEEEE!!! And what should I find in my post box this week but this lovely *proto-yarn* from the lovely Claudia…

I opened it while at a stop light in heavy traffic and heard the above sound, shouted LOUDLY in fear, from my truckmate (a male reporter!) when I pulled it from its envelope.

THIS chunk-o-Border Leicester Ram is more powerful than a thousand evil glares! Gotta get a whole Fleece STAT!

Thanks Claudia!



A huge THANKS to Caroline for this lovely pattern book and beautiful card! Caroline got a lowly ball of magenta Fixation from ChicKnits a while back and sent this in gratitude – merci beaucoup, oh gracious, generous one!



What?! were they thinking?! What was I thinking? I actually bought these honkers a couple of weeks ago – was my head up my, oh you know…

The cable on these is almost as big as the needle and STICKY! I actually tried to use them on the Mondo Condo and almost expired from exhaustion while trying to move the yarn down the vast expanse of plastic.

I can’t believe I bought the *#@$%$ thing…

The Addi folks also replaced their small gauge cables awhile back with a stiff, uncurling, plastic material and all hell broke loose in the knitting universe. I was one of the people banging my head against the wall when I opened a fresh pack and found foul play.

I want my old plastic back!

13 Replies to “Friday, May 21, 2004”

  1. I have some of the cursed sticky needles, too. I was wondering if soaking them or cleaning them with something might help, but haven’t had a chance to experiment…

  2. it’s as if they are under the misapprehension that the cables won’t work on the big needles or something right. i wound up using two size 11 24-inch circs on Suki rather than one 32 because i could not deal with pushing the wool around that stupid plastic cable. and the 19s are horrible horrible with that thing.

  3. What a manly guy the aforementioned male reporter sounds like. Makes you proud when a guy squeals like a girly, don’t it??? tee hehehehe

  4. Those Addis have an additional problem — it is very easy to pull the cable out of the needles eventually, after normal wear and tear yanking on your work (which is further necessitated by the fact that they are sticky…argh). This happened to me and to a friend of mine as well, exact same problem. I returned them for exchange, since I figured Addi should get the maximum number of these clunkers back and then maybe they’ll return to their old slim cables. I made sure I exchanged them for an old pair with the thin cable join. Dear Addi: This is NOT an improvement.

  5. I always keep a small container of talcum powder in my knitting carry box for my hands and for sticky needles.

  6. You would love a set of the Denise needles. I am knitting a condo and I have plugged a large needle on one end of the cable and a small one on the other end.

    They are also plastic and have a nice point. I love them!

  7. I have one of those too. I bought it on the mistaken notion that it might be easier to push the stitches past the join. NOT! It’s just sitting there in my needle basket.

    Love the reporter story. LOL!

  8. Everyone that I know who has tried the fish tank-tubing needles has rejected them. I know tons of people who own ONE size and won’t use them. I guess we need to spread the word so people stop buying the darn things!

  9. Wow, what beautiful fleece. I love the multicoloured ones, being convinced each time I see one that a fleece *that* colour will never pass my way again. (Mental note: must suck up to Claudia more)

  10. OOh, I need a fleece to scare my male colleagues. That’ll keep ’em from asking questions and then not listening to the answers!

  11. Uh-oh. Addi’s come like that now? All my beloved Addi’s are decades old, and now that I’m knitting a lot again, I was going to add a couple sizes that I’m missing, and mail order them, to boot. No way! I don’t want anything like this. Is this just the honkin’ big ones, or do all new Addi’s come like this, even say, 7mm (wonder how I ever did with just 6, 6.5 & 8 all these years)? I don’t need no honkin’ big ones; I don’t even like using the 11 mm Takumis I bought recently to try with slippery polymers – yuck – hurts the wrists to knit with this big stuff.

  12. Oh no – what size are those? I can’t read it. That’s horrible. I have a couple of US 13’s … yours don’t look much bigger. I’m so glad I got them along time ago. Are they just putting those “fish tank tubes” on the bigger sizes? That’s just stupid. Addi: Bad move! :(

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