Friday, November 25, 2005

this Little Piggie Went to Market (ahem) ALREADY!

Point 5 by Colinette

Just because I’ve been working through this Holiday, doesn’t mean I am NOT shopping with the rest of my mates…

By the time this posts, the most HardCore of Us will already be storming Target, the K, and the Wal – for those incredibley cheap personal DVD players, XBoxes and more….

You know Who You Are…

I am one of you but the Core in my Hard is YARN!

And like any good citizen who might be elsewhere on the Day, I Shopped Absentee! In Advance! The Glutton Will Not be SUBDUED or sub-dude as the case may be.


Reasons to Buy Yarn Today?

Because the World is Round!

Everybody else is doing it, Mom

It would be Un-Patriotic not to…

my White Sox Sox needed a White Sox Hat

View Result

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7 Replies to “Friday, November 25, 2005”

  1. Oh, yeah! JoAnn’s has knitting needles with *glitter* suspended in the plastic!! Nice, soft wool/cotton, wool/cashmere, wooly wool, too. Got my 50%off coupon :-D

  2. You don’t have an “all of the above” option included in your poll. That would be my choice! :o)

  3. Aha! I see you DO share the pleasure of / addiction to fibery goodness, Mon Bonne Marie.

    I’m with Terry in SF: what yarns are you showing in the picture? Yummy-licious.

  4. Love the Colinette! I just wore my Point 5 scarf tonight… kept me cozy in this subfreezing temp. Mine is the same color as the skein in the middle — that is “Jay”, right?

    Take care, Bonne Marie ;)

  5. Gee, all of you out there at Knitting Anonymous, when you’re leaving the 12-step meeting tonight, look out for your world wide web pusher, Bonne Marie, lurking around the dark corner. Me, who’s been trying to work through some stash before another fresh purchase, is going to succumb to Ella Rae Book One and some Aracunia yarn. I’m visual and I’m weak…

  6. YARN MOSH PIT: Did you guys see the video of the people stampeding into a Michigan Walmart? OMG! All I could flash on is the only way I would do this is if it was some huge yarn sale of my favorite yarn…

    OOOPS – this is truly a fantasy because I don’t have a *favorite* yarn – I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [Well, most of ’em anyways – :)]

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