Monday Morning Mirth
Perennial Poker Face Lady Gaga has reportedly reunited with an old flame from her recent past: one Luc Carl (see pix below), a muscian, bar-tender and glam-guy, not necessarily in that order.
This got me day-dreaming about a couple that got away…
Would I, could I, turn back the hands-of-time and give it another go?
Me either…
Umm, that picture looks scarily like one of my ex-boyfriends. He was very proud of his hair and feared losing it like nothing else!
I’d love to participate in the poll, except you’re missing the category I’d choose…NO WAY IN HELL! :-)
Not likely…first, I’m married to the best guy in the world and, second, the others are “exes” for a good reason – sometimes a whole book of good reasons! :-)
Couldn’t date a guy with prettier hair than me. Heh.
Well…I would…and I did. We have been happily married for 15 years! :)
What is it about rockers? This guy could have come straight out of the 70’s 80’s 90’s . . . .
Next time I do side planks I’ll be doing this with my upper arm!
Breaking news: Bristol Palin and her baby daddy are engaged!
BTW, I asked my hair stylist for this cut last year and THANK GOD she refused on pain of 86-ing me from the salon and her scissors forever! I admit now I just wanted to rock the headband.