Monday Morning Mirth July 19, 2010

  Monday Morning Mirth  


who receives the Vogue Stitchionary Volume 5, via random drawing.

Thanks so much to everyone who joined in the fun!

Here’s a tiny bit of “consolation” for the rest of us: cool knitting + cute cute guys!

9 Replies to “Monday Morning Mirth July 19, 2010”

  1. Oh, I just loved that! Especially the looks of determination as the guys knit, and the last line “he was really cute” as the video ended. Adorable.

  2. THANKS FOR THE WARM FEELING TO START OF THIS WEEK! I was so excited for the ladies, and you were right, cute, cute guys. I would teach any one of them how to knit!!!! Absolutely adorable.

  3. That rocked my world this morning! Thank you so much. How very, very sweet! And, yes, they were definitely cute, cute guys!

  4. You are awesome!!! Those were damn fine cute, cute guys. Adorable. They could wind my wool any day :) That made up for not winning.

  5. Oh my. I was thinking “take your shirt off first, take your shirt off first, take your shirt off first”, and they did!

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