Monday, January 23, 2006

  Monday Morning Mirth  

I recently received my new phone book – and imagine my surprise to find out that indeed

Knitting is NOT the New Yoga…


11 Replies to “Monday, January 23, 2006”

  1. Knitting to some of us is the new yoga!
    Reminds me that last year I attempted to start a knitting group at the Medical Center where I work as a nurse. All I wanted was to use an empty classroom once a week and vowed I’d clean up after. I was told that, “The hospital was in the business of promoting health and in their opinion knitting didn’t qualify.” I was shocked! I guess some people just don’t see it our way. To me knitting is my sanity, my meditation and yoga all rolled up in one.

  2. Thank you for a much-needed giggle. At least there is a benefit to be had from knowing this (sad, sad) fact: more yarn for the rest of us! Happy knitting.

  3. I don’t know after some of my knitting marathons I started to feel like some sort of stretching and deep breathing exercise was needed beforehand. Sounds like yoga to me.

  4. I have recently returned to pilates after four years away and I must say that I truly knot my body up while knitting…. my pilates instructor marvels at how off center my head is and I think it must be from hours of indian-style on the sofa while knitting… I am half tempted to try sitting on a yoga map while knitting, but I don’t know about that….

  5. Okay, everybody! Stand UP and Reach for the SKY!

    That’s better…

    I am a lucky girl to have so many yarn shops – many are not near my house, though. Chicago is a METROPOLIS – it reaches far and wide, from the boders of Indiana to the territory of Wisconsin.

    All those people are of the Tribe Chicago…

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