Friday, June 11, 2004


This is a portrait of me knitting, crafted by the beautiful little Brooke! Her mom is none other than the lovely Kerrie from MagKnits & Kerrie’s Place in the UK. Kerrie is also a wonderful writer.

She’s written an article on blogging that appears in the Spring/Summer Rowan Newsletter. In the article was a most flattering mention of ChicKnits’s Blog – I’m just grinning from EAR to EAR!!!

ROWAN! I love Rowan – wouldn’t you just like to go visit all their designers and have a KIP! I always see the travelKnit tours and would just like to go to London or Holmfirth and meet all the superstars that put these lovely designs and magazines together. I see on the back page of the newsletter all sorts of weekend retreats and one day workshops all over the place – especially the John Lewis stores.

Also in the package from the UK was this:

How mouthwatering is this?! Sienna in a beautiful fuschia paired with an irresistable lime…

Add a splash of champagne, and I’m ready to go! Cheers, Kerrie! Thanks so very much for the good writing vibes and…

a HUGE thank you to little Brooke! She made me look mahvelous – reproduced my hair SPOT ON!!!

9 Replies to “Friday, June 11, 2004”

  1. Brooke is so excited to see her picture here, she keeps asking me to explain how it got there! Thank you for making her smile so much, she is now on the phone to my mum telling her that “mummy’s friend on the internet likes her picture” I’m sure my mum is totally confused on the other end of the line!

  2. Dear Bonne Marie!

    Is that lime yarn Jaeger Siena as well?

    I am having a devil of a time trying to find the right substitute for Rowan’s Nice Cotton in Kiwi #443 and that Lime Ball Looks Like A Contender!

    Thanks in advance for the details!

    Miranda II

  3. Awwww! I am overtaken with love for the little artist! Suddenly, I too would like a little string apprentice following me around, drawing my portrait and patiently soaking up all my priceless yarn secrets! I can’t wait! She’ll be a little knitter just like me!

    This is how you know that I am and probably should remain childless. :)

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