Monday, October 11, 2004

  Monday Morning Mirth  

Because, in general you don’t get the chance to see
25,000+ almost Nakid Guys running their tutu’s off, I bring you some
Hunks from RaceDay: Chicago Marathon 2004…

…as seen from my camera position at the corner of Fullerton and Canon Dr, Mile 6; a guy in a Leopard Print Thong & BowTie combo has just passed but I wasn’t fast enough on the draw. OMG! ChicKnits predicted Animal Prints were BIG for Fall 2004 and Boy Howdy, were they ever! I got the above shot after I recovered my senses…

ChicKnits close personal friend, Clark Kent,
decides to run in full Big & Tall splendor…

The Chicago Marathon is a Global Event and attracts celebrities of all kinds: the San Diego Chicken makes a special Guest Run…

Last but not least, my favorite guy
of the Chicago Marathon 2004,
a Guy Named RAY…
Right on Ray~!

DISCLAIMER: it’s been 23 days of straight clock-punching with/no days off for this chiquita, so, I’m a little punchy2!

We go set up our camera position at 4am and encountered the MAGIC that is the Wee Hours’O’theMorning along the LakeFront…

Friday, October 8, 2004

the softer side of Fern…

In a rare attempt to get in touch with reality, I’m changing the sidebar on the right of my page. Instead of just having the trio of WIPs (the three projects currently on the ChicKNits Daily Needles), I’m throwing in some of my lanquishing projects. Perhaps seeing them everyday in plain sight will flick the interest switch in my brain that is now ignoring them.

The Short (!)List:
– Miss BB’s Jacket (a glamGirl variation of Mrs CB’s Camp Jacket) made in a raisiny burgundy color of Rowan Magpie Aran – ONE SLEEVE DONE then kicked to the curb!

Fern (the other one) in Filatura di Crosa Zara / Acid Green – BACK DONE then tossed in small gauge disbelief

Cable Me #1 – a bulky, yummy experiment in jacket making made from natural sheep colored Sweet Grass wool from the Boys in Lansing

– Cable Me #2 – once is not enough to Start & Stop apparently and here’s a small gauge version of the above with enough variation to keep it interesting – this one made from a mouth-watering leaf green Austermann *Rubino* yarn from the dear folks at Elann (no longer offered)…

NOW, cross my heart and hope to FLY TO RHINEBECK (happy sheeps y’ll!), I think that’s IT! I actually have no offending crossover projects left from SPRING ’04 this FALL ’04…

Shall we SNAP!?~ aguil3.gif

SIDEBAR: “This year’s featured breed (@Rhinebeck) is the Rambouillet breed. Developed from the Spanish Merino breed in France. It is large, white-faced, has wool on its legs, can be horned or polled, and produces fine wool, grading from 64’s to 70’s. It is long-lived, rugged and will breed most anytime of the year.”

Thursday, October 7, 2004


VaVaVoooom – I’ve learned my lesson…

Being whipped like a bowl of fresh cream by the first front of this cardi was a good thing AFTER ALL…

It allowed me to speed knit the second front, using all of my School of Hard Knocks Crib Notes in record time (ahem, hee, for me…)

This cardi has an applied neckband that goes around the back neck edge, so to continue the positive riff I was on, I sewed the shoulder seams. As the pieces became *whole* I was infected by a gleeful Finishing Frenzy and proceeded to mattress stitch the side seams, then steam the whole thing! (Lightly, microfiber content ahead…)

Here’s my buttons:

Beautiful Knotted Button OR Plain Black Button OR Etched Design Button???~

SIDEBAR: my knitting still intrigues and illuminates the inebriated on the #66. Last night a construction worker with a bag and belly full of beer, once again spoke an ODE to a Scarf that Wasn’t a Scarf…