Monday June28, 2004

Monday Morning Mirth


Historically, the starting of the nougat goes back several centuries. It is thought that it was imported by the Greeks, Via Marseilles, which explains the success of this product in all Provence.

On voit mention du nougat dans les ann

10 Replies to “Monday June28, 2004”

  1. You should try and get some Spanish Turron, the nougat delicacy from the region around Barcelona. Fabuloso!

    I just wanted to say thanks for your Tektalk on how to put in zippers- My first zipper was virtually pain-free and I’m so happy with the result!!
    Keep ’em coming!

  2. OMG!!! I DO look like Lucy and now that Geane has planted that bon-bon thing in my brain – all I can think of is the I Love LUCY episode at the Candy Factory!

    OHHH how I would love to be stuffing my face with some nougats right now for breakfast!

    And in the trivia department, I was once married to a man named RICKIE!!! I am NOT leaving my house today…

  3. Ooh, I don’t know if I could eat the nougat. The wrapper is too nice to spoil! You’re a lucky woman to have such friends.

  4. Okay, so first thing this morning BEFORE COFFEE, I read this post quickly and thought it said Nouggies were invented by the geeks…which made me giggle all morning.
    Togas and all that jazz….
    OH. The Greeks.
    My apologies…Lucy, dear.
    Is there a vita meeta vegg a min sweater in our future?

  5. Thanks for the welcome, Bonne Marie! It’s one big happy knitblog community and I’m glad to be part of it! The Belllini Tank should be completed by week’s end, perfect for the 4th! Can’t wait to see yours!

    P.S.: I definitely recommend turron, which is softer and crumblier. And Toblerone. Yummmmmmm!

  6. Harlot that I am, I see a link for “Colas the Kitchen Boy” and follow it, only to see a line drawing of someone stirring a kettle of candy.

    YOU TEASE!!!!!!

    (wait, good confections are better than men any day)

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