Thursday, August 12, 2004

More Pressing Issues


Meet my little friend…
THIS is none other than a Sleeve Board for ironing sleeves, cuffs and small items.

AND it is beautifully designed by Michael Graves, the renowned, postmodern architect and winner of The National Medal of Arts! His Sherwood Pavilion is the ultimate Knitting Nirvana!

AND I got it at TARGET!

So convenient for reaching those interior seams…

Perfect for steaming those pesky sleeve caps…


I put the finishing touches on the BizChic Cardi last night in a flash, using the Board. Since most of the finishing knitting and seaming was done in the car or GASP, at the beach, it was impossible to iron as I go, which I ususally do.

Although not quite as exciting as a Sleeve Ham, (which I am still looking for – saw this one at Clotilde’s but the matching Hamholder was no longer available), the Sleeve Board is my new best friend…


What are Tailor Tools and How to Use Them” from Fiber Images

8 Replies to “Thursday, August 12, 2004”

  1. Michael Graves? At Target? Oh MY! When I was in architecture school many moons ago, each architect had their own groupies. He was my fave.

  2. You go you Steam Queen! I always wondered who used those sleeve ironing boards besides Martha Stewart but leave it to you to find an excellent use for it.

  3. I bought this ironing board for my husband, who irons his own clothing, for his birthday last November and he hasn’t forgiven me yet! Great item but not a great gift. I saw one at Anne Fontaine in NYC and thought he would love it. C’est la vie.

  4. I saw it at Target last week with my sister (we love the supplies/storage isles), and my first thought was “I NEED that!” and that was just to iron my shirts. With seeing the knitting uses, it’s now an absolute MUST-HAVE. Thanks so much for sharing what may not be thought of as a knitting tool. You absolutly rock.

  5. I’m on my way to Target tonight, on a pre-European-trip shopping expedition with my son. I may just have to pick one of those handy sleeve boards up!

  6. how handy! and i just happen to be heading to target this weekend… vunderbar…. thanks for the welcome!

  7. Michael Graves has always been the REASON to shop at TARJAY…those sexy little toasters….ahem.
    Now, about that ham and it’s holster….surely the garment district has a little shop tucked away somewhere with hams of all sizes and shapes….OR (drumroll, puhleeze)
    you could felt one your own bad self exactly whatever size you WANT! (and then of course write up the pattern so we could all mosey on over to the shameless commerce division….) HAM it up, Bonne Marie….

  8. I’m not one of those people that has everything, but I do have a pressing ham, and I highly recommend them.

    Dang it, I just remembered that tonight is KIP night.

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