Thursday, November 13, 2008

holla, colla…

Because sometimes love is better the second time around, here is a something that’s jumped back on the needles.

Cleaning up and unpacking all the boxes in my studio lately has reintroduced me to lots of stuff that’s been hanging around unnoticed. In the dark? Leftover yarn from my Ultra Alpaca Ariann, a skein, all wound, ready to go. Now I like the original neckline look of this cardi (originally 4″), but the colder it gets here in Chicago, the more I long for my snuggies: scarves, wraps, collars, all nesting around my neck.

This was originally knit for a trunk show, in about 10 days, November 2006. Once it was done doing its duty, it quickly became one of my favorite house sweaters. Dare I say how much I love this yarn? The color is just unbelievable, heathery and rich (Lavendar Mix 6283). The lacy pattern of the design balances the tendency of the alpaca to put the wearer in a sauna. Me like.

So I decided to just go for it and make the collar longer. So far, it measures 6.5″ and I think I have enough to go for 9! Perfect telephone knitting too; just garter stitch with minimal eye-contact fab for when your mind is on other things, things that might make you tense, things all calmed and smooth by the knitting.

From the what the dept:
Holla: A greeting that seems recent, but was used as far back as Shakespeare’s time.
Francisco: Bernardo has my place. Give you good night.
Marcellus: Holla! Bernardo!

11 Replies to “Thursday, November 13, 2008”

  1. Holla! I’m going to work that into my vocabulary. It should make my daughter smile. The sweater looks wonderful. I’m looking forward to seeing the longer collar.

  2. Is that like the Spanish, this Holla? That color is fabulous – and I love knitting things that don’t require constant attention (easily memorized is great). Bad case of startitis at my house — oh, how I wish I didn’t require sleep.

  3. Arianne is such a lovely design. I’m glad you’re able to change it to make the collar longer. It’s like you’re getting a whole new sweater! ;)

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