Tuesday, November 25, 2008

OH! The yumminess of the Cormo/Cross! This yarn was from a prize-winning fleece at the first Michigan Fiber Fest that I went to. The natural color of chocolatey brown made me want to see the sheep (AUTHOR! Author!). The soft hand and squooshiness of the yarn makes it a real pleasure to knit. (FLY BABY! Fly!)

I am now as far as the upper waist area in the sweater. Since I’m not sure if I have enough yarn to go the distance, I decided to add the buttonband later just in case I have to use a different yarn to get me through (black ribbon?)

Fingers are very crossed though, that my *experiment* in weighing will prevail and get me to the finish line. (GO YARN! Go!)

This project is the result of a Double-Dog Dare with DeannaC in the Chic Knits group on the Rav. First I dared her to make her collar longer (she ended up making an 8″ ribbed version — gorgeous!) than I got dared to make another whole sweater!!! Thanks Deanna! I needed a nudge to get going :)

That yarn was smiling at me in the stash for way too long now…

7 Replies to “Tuesday, November 25, 2008”

  1. Delicious….this picture made me say “ooooh” out loud! love the chocolatiness of the color. (my spell check doesn’t like my version of chocolatiness…but there you go). Anyway, it looks beautiful.

  2. Just got back from spending a week in your windy city…and what was the biggest thrill for me? Seeing the 66 bus!!!!!!

  3. A beautiful piece! I *do* home you have enough to finish it. Thanks for motivating me, too, to get back to practicing spinning….even if it is only a month to Christmas Day and I have knitted gifts to finish! LOL!

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