Monday Morning Mirth
While we sleep, the Vocabulary Elves work overtime, making and inserting brave new words into our daily language…
For your pleasure and edification, we present the:
· BROHAM: Since “bro” is passe, dudes in the know use this term when referring to a closest guy pal.
· BROMANCE: A relationship between brohams who are inseparable but not lovers.
· BRODEO: Major hangout place among brohams.
· BROHEMIAN: A flip-flop-wearing, carbon-print-shrinking, die-hard liberal. Might say, “Race is a four-letter word, dude.” A brohemian who frequently smokes marijuana and lives off a trust fund may be known as a “trustafarian.”
· DECIBELLE: A woman who, after a couple of drinks, suddenly cannot control the volume of her voice.
· HAITRESS: The crotchety waitress who clearly doesn’t care about getting a good tip.
· ICKYYAKI: Scary-looking sushi.
· MANBIGUOUS: Formerly known as a “metrosexual,” this dude is sexy yet so pristine that a gal can’t be sure whether he is gay or straight – or both.
· MARGARITHIM: (Pronounced: Margareet-him) The act of drinking a margarita to loosen up before meeting a guy. As in, “Chloe, John’s over there. If you’re interested, you’re going to have to margarithim.”
· CRAPPUCCINO: A $4-plus coffee concoction that tastes like the bottom of your shoe.
· MEXICANT: (Pronounced: Mexi-can’t) The inability to stuff yourself with one more morsel of Tex Mex.
· BROJAK: A broham without a hair on his shiny head.
· MALLTERNATIVE: One of the neo-punk, goth or otherwise anti-establishment wannabes who shop at Hot Topic.
· BRO YO: Yogurt infused with a flavor that dudes can appreciate, such as apple turnover.
While all these lovely and lively phrases will most likely evaporate into the ether as quickly as they came, my favorite to-be-shelved is currently yo, dog, a phrase still going strong amongst yupsters in the Midwest. What’s yours?
I can’t get over “my bad.” I’m hoping it gets shelved soon, as it sounds so wrong coming out of my red-headed 7 year olds mouth.
I can’t stop referring to things that disturb me as “wiggity-whack”. Yes, this does suggest terrible weakness of character….
Is “slay” in or out? I find it amusing in a tragicomic way, especially with two 8 year old boys in the house and as I’m trying to get ready for ski season and “slay the bumps” another year before they slay me.
When informing my ever loving 17 year old of something he often replies “word” – And to which I reply What-Eva!
I’m happily very removed from all that is in with young hip types. But what a good laugh!
My middle-school daughter uses the phrase “angerment” as a shortened version of “anger management”. For example, a classmate yelling at the top of their lungs has “angerment” issues. Too funny, yet it scares me to realize that it is things like this that slowly become part of our regular language.
OK so did you read the red-eye last week also?
GIRLFRIEND!!! (Yet another *buzzword* that, IMHO, can now Sit Down)
The current annoying word is “ri-donk-ulous,” a variation of “ridiculous” that is mean to suggest the item in question is not only deserving of mockery, but deserving of LOTS of mockery.
My daughter and I are just dying every time my mother says, “bling”. Yeah, she’s scary.
I don’t know “Yo dog.” I don’t know whether it never made it to Brooklyn or I just never heard it – I am 47 and a refugee from repulsively hip Williamsburg – hey, it took until last year for my rent to go up and I had heat, ok?
I know some ones that failed to catch but that I love. My favorite may be “shaved my legs for nothing.” the exclusively female version of “didn’t get lucky.”
Trustafarian is an oldy but goody!
I do love this: “That’s what I’m talking about.”