Monday, October 25, 2004

  Monday Morning Mirth  


COLINETTE: Prism – color Alizarine

stash enhancement aplenty this weekend…

11 Replies to “Monday, October 25, 2004”

  1. Yes, me pocketbook could only cry UNCLE! But hey, after all that overtime worked on the Chicago Marathon, it would be just Plain Unfriendly NOT to share a little with my LYS… teeheehee…

    I’m also thinking of this as my consolation prize for missing Rhinebeck!

    A lady came up to me in the shop as I was fondling this yarn and said, using the voice of a Snark, “Well, they’ll see you coming in THAT!”

    My reply: “But of course, darling, what else is The POINT?!”

    She was buying some really boring GREY yarn…

  2. Oh, how fun! Must be something in the water with Colinette. After seeing a scarf in a Point 5 like yarn over the weekend I’ve had a strong need to find some Shimmer 5 for myself.

    Love that color!

  3. It’s absolutly fabulous! I agree, sometimes it is so hard to knit with something so perfect on its own. Good luck finding something to do it justice, I know if anyone can do it, you can.

  4. I see a new trend coming! How much you wanna bet that you’ll see models on the runway wearing hanks of gorgeous hot pink high-end yarn around their necks next season? [You reading this, John Galliano?] And I agree: That yarn has to be in a bold color. It’s just gotta. I mean, this is PRISM, bay-bee. Shout it out!

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