Thursday, November 18, 2004

In honor of the extreme business marriage of our friend
and inner city buddy, Kmart, I bring you, straight from
the SUPER Kmart purse department @Ashland Ave…

TADAAA!~ (or taduh, depending on your taste)


My NEW Knitting Bag!!!

Those of you who have wearied of my Pleather Payless Minucci tote, can now sing with joy or scream with relief?! I love this thing~! It has three areas inside – so I can conveniently put other essentials all up in there. I especially like the closure – a punched shape, hanging from a metal ring with a hole that fits over a knob. Did I mention, it’s PLAID!

I don’t carry a purse.

This is it.

And there is plenty of room for two knitting things at atime and my makeup. Lately, I’ve been on a Bucket Binge and have been working on Shazaam. The Back is finished and I’m onto the right front.

5 Replies to “Thursday, November 18, 2004”

  1. I have a love/hate relationship with my purses. I have to have many of them. The pink one, the cute tiny one, I love them all. And yet, they all end up getting thrown into my giant knitting bag anyway. Go fig! I am still looking for the perfect blend of knitting bag/purse.

  2. I LOVE this bag!! Thanks for sharing it – would have never thought to pop into Kmart as I’m a “Tar-Jay” kind of girl myself!

  3. I am a new convert to your site. My K-Mart near me (West Georgia) doesn’t carry nearly anything so chic. I live in the land of quilted pleather bags – you know the ones.

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