I can’t think of any better way (pardon my brain slippage here, ahem) of ending the year than with a BANG!
And just how BIG is that BANG!
ONE SLEEVE’s Worth, that’s RIGHT!
One tiny sleeve down and the Little Bad Muse TWIRLS
right into 2005!!!
but what a lovely sleeve it is! i’m finishing sleeve 1 of the ribby cardi now. can’t imagine you’ve already made 4! wow!
Bonne Annee to you too, Bonne Marie! And Happy Knitting!
Now, THERE’S a sleeve!! I have to make mine both at the same time because I run out of gas by the time I get finished with the first one (same problem with mittens, gloves and socks). You have no idea how many UFOs there are in my stash that are all finished except that they are missing one sleeve. I’d say that 70% of what I now knit is vests for that very reason. And vests are great, but lots of us (ahem, like those of use north of about the Maryland border)need sweaters with sleeves in ’em. My two methods for “making” myself make two sleeves is to use a long circular needle, cast on both of ’em and knit them simultaneously. OR, the other method(and this seems to work almost as well), is to knit them down from the shoulders after I’ve sewn the front and back together. Don’t ask my why this works except that the sweater seems to have a more finished appearance — yes, while it’s in your lap, it sort of looks like a dead fish while you are working on it and it does have the added disadvantage that you are hauling the entire thing around with you all the time you are working on it, but it works for me. That “almost done-ness” seems to drive me forward.
Which takes nothing away from your absolutely lovely and awe-some sleeve, by the way. An absolute triumph of cabling — I worship at your feet (or needles…whatever):)
Happiest of New Year’s to you !
wishing you the best in 2005!
Happy New Year, Bonne Marie! Here’s hoping we’ll meet (you know where) in 2005!
Dance, Bad Muse, dance! May your 2005 kick serious ass.
Happy New Year, Bonne Marie!
Blessings, good wishes and happiness to you in the new year, Bonne Marie!
Happy New Year, Bonne Marie! I look forward to seeing what the coming year brings to you and your stash. Keep up the great knits!
Happy New Year to my favorite knit blogger!!
Happy New Year, Bonne! I don’t know where else to leave this comment, so I’ll just leave it here. I love my Ribby Cardi. I mean, I emotionally LOVE my Ribby Cardi. I converted the pattern to the round (yeah, now I know, short-rows are needed to make the back longer than the front) and knit it in that black hemp/wool Mother Nature stuff from eBay. And I just…I…(sniff)…I love it. Even stranger, this is the first time, in a lifetime of knitting, that my 16-year-old daughter has actually REQUESTED a garment. I don’t know if you have a teenager handy, but just to translate, this is roughly akin to saying, “Bonne, your published pattern has been approved by the UN Security Council, the Chechnyan rebels, Hamid Karzai and all the snotty little monsters on the Pennsbury Girls Distance Team.” Happy, Happy 2005, Little Bad Muse!